
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Mar 2016 11:32
To: Manthorp 772 of 773
I've now got to a situation where I could do with the instant merchant, but I feel it's kind of like cheating...

I'd just emerged from Reachwater Rock, having reforged the Gauldur Amulet, when I was attacked by a frost dragon. I didn't have any frost resist potions or other suitable protection, so I jumped on my horse and fled. I ended up racing through a massive Forsworn camp with the dragon on my tail. At that point, everyone in the camp started twatting the dragon with magic and I headed up the hill and watched the fun. Eventually the dragon was weakened enough to land, and ended up quite near me. I went to finish it off, and in the process my horse rushed ahead of me to try to kick the dragon to death. I killed the dragon, but my horse died and now I'm stuck up a hill behind a camp-load of savage magic-users without a horse, and I'm over-encumbered because I've got a ton of dragon bones I'd quite like to take back to my house, and it's just started raining and wah wah wah I want to go home for some hot soup with Lydia.

Might try one of the horse mods.
EDITED: 1 Mar 2016 11:33 by WINGNUTKJ
From: Manthorp 1 Mar 2016 19:18
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 773 of 773
I know what you mean, but I was OK with it as a mod.  Having discovered all sorts of good shit, I felt it was unreasonable not to be able to keep it.  It's all just code anyway, said Neo.