
From: Manthorp24 Feb 2016 14:04
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 767 of 773
Not felt the need to install the instant merchant one.
It's not so much for the buying as for the selling.  When you're in the interminable Dwarven dungeons, it's useful to be able to offload swag for cash every now & then.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Feb 2016 00:54
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 768 of 773

Hmmm? Poor artist renditions of a described future they do not understand.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Feb 2016 00:55
To: Manthorp 769 of 773
Accepting that requires spurious understanding of the word spurious.

How would you call this:


Big Snake? Huge Worm?

It's bad enough being cursed with such beautifully poetic names as Giant Rat|Beetle|Spider|etc...

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Feb 2016 02:06
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 770 of 773
From: Manthorp25 Feb 2016 16:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 771 of 773
The 'voting up' thing has borked, otherwise I would have done it.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Mar 2016 11:32
To: Manthorp 772 of 773
I've now got to a situation where I could do with the instant merchant, but I feel it's kind of like cheating...

I'd just emerged from Reachwater Rock, having reforged the Gauldur Amulet, when I was attacked by a frost dragon. I didn't have any frost resist potions or other suitable protection, so I jumped on my horse and fled. I ended up racing through a massive Forsworn camp with the dragon on my tail. At that point, everyone in the camp started twatting the dragon with magic and I headed up the hill and watched the fun. Eventually the dragon was weakened enough to land, and ended up quite near me. I went to finish it off, and in the process my horse rushed ahead of me to try to kick the dragon to death. I killed the dragon, but my horse died and now I'm stuck up a hill behind a camp-load of savage magic-users without a horse, and I'm over-encumbered because I've got a ton of dragon bones I'd quite like to take back to my house, and it's just started raining and wah wah wah I want to go home for some hot soup with Lydia.

Might try one of the horse mods.
EDITED: 1 Mar 2016 11:33 by WINGNUTKJ
From: Manthorp 1 Mar 2016 19:18
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 773 of 773
I know what you mean, but I was OK with it as a mod.  Having discovered all sorts of good shit, I felt it was unreasonable not to be able to keep it.  It's all just code anyway, said Neo.