
From: graphitone15 Jan 2014 23:18
To: graphitone 736 of 773
Picture didn't attach to that post, so here it is.
From: patch15 Jan 2014 23:18
To: graphitone 737 of 773
There's a ghost horseman somewhere in there, too. I never did work out what that was all about.
From: graphitone15 Jan 2014 23:27
To: patch All 738 of 773
I did have a quick read through the rest of this thread - was he the headless one?

I guess everyone will have been thoroughly bored by Skyrim now, anyone still playing it?

I'm playing through it as a hack and slash and have realised that's not very effective against magical peoples.

How does one protect oneself against wibbly wobbly magic things coming 'atcha?
From: patch15 Jan 2014 23:30
To: graphitone 739 of 773
Archery. It's the only way to fight.
From: graphitone15 Jan 2014 23:43
To: patch 740 of 773
Good advice. I need some better arrows. I'm using some i looted off a draugr in a dungeon and they're probably past their best.

I'm only level 5 so far and everything except weaker bandits is kicking my arse.
From: Manthorp15 Jan 2014 23:58
To: graphitone 741 of 773
I have put 487 hours into it.  10 working weeks!  I feel shame.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)16 Jan 2014 04:23
To: graphitone 742 of 773
I've been playing it a bit recently after forgetting about it for many months. Watching this series definitely rekindled my interest, though installed a variety of interesting mods helped too.

Whichever kind of person I play as I still have some ranged ability. On fighty warrior types it's always good to get some archery for when you need it.
EDITED: 16 Jan 2014 04:25 by OZGUR
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)16 Jan 2014 11:53
To: Manthorp 743 of 773
But what you do isn't really work, is it? And you don't appear to feel shame for that! :{)
EDITED: 16 Jan 2014 11:55 by MR_BASTARD
From: Manthorp16 Jan 2014 12:54
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 744 of 773
I labour long into the night, hewing art from the coal-face of life, so that you don't have to, you ungrateful bastard.
From: Manthorp16 Jan 2014 12:56
To: Manthorp 745 of 773
I'm rather taken with the somewhat Elder Scrolls-inspired open gameplay and gorgeously rendered landscape of Far Cry 3 at the moment.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)16 Jan 2014 13:02
To: Manthorp 746 of 773
The coalface-hewn book arrived yesterday. Thanks!
From: Manthorp16 Jan 2014 13:14
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 747 of 773
Brill.  I hope you derive some enjoyment from it.  It's more fool's gold than a literary diamond, but I wanted to write something that was fun to read.
From: sinkywinky16 Jan 2014 16:12
To: Manthorp 748 of 773
Skyrim could do with some hang gliders.

And special mushrooms.
From: Dave!!16 Jan 2014 18:26
To: graphitone 749 of 773
Only recently stopped playing it. I usually play games like these for 130 hours or so, get bored, then come back to them a couple of years later. Slap all the DLC on, plus a pile of mods, then it becomes a fresh experience again.

Personally, I was always a combination of archery and swords. Note that even at higher levels, the really good arrows aren't exactly hugely abundant. Ignore iron arrows as even the old ones from ruins are as good as steel arrows. Oh, and work hard at your blacksmith skill and use it to improve all your armour and weaponry. Makes a HUGE difference!
From: graphitone16 Jan 2014 21:34
To: Dave!! 750 of 773
Yeah, defense is something I've ignored until now. Smithing is something I'm gonna concentrate on. It's going to take me a while to ramp up that amount of game time!

The only thing I've ever played that much is Street Fighter 2, kinda wish that had an time counter now.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)22 Feb 2016 14:19
To: ALL751 of 773
I think I might be a bit behind on things, what with sorting out awards ceremonies and whatnot, but I've recently started playing Skyrim.

As with Morrowind I'm a sneaky Bosmer archer, but this time I'm a sneaky LADY Bosmer archer. I've got to the point in the main quest where I've got to go speak to the Graybeards, but haven't got round to that because I've been too busy with sidequests and twatting people in the head with arrows.

It's good, innit?
From: koswix22 Feb 2016 14:56
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 752 of 773
What is it, DRAGONS?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Feb 2016 15:20
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 753 of 773
From: Manthorp22 Feb 2016 15:49
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 754 of 773
It's very good.  The DLCs are worth installing too.  I really enjoyed the Hearthfire add-on.  I've done everything now, so I'm just killing all mortal NPCs.  It's gradually becoming deathly quiet.
From: Dave!!22 Feb 2016 17:46
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 755 of 773
Yep, damn fun game. I've played through it a couple of times and got a good 100 hours out of it each time.