
From: Woggy 2 Apr 2012 07:01
To: ALL721 of 773
I'm near the end of the main quest, I've just been transported to Alduin's place by the dragon we captured. I joined the stormcloak rebellion to see what the quest was like and the fuckers invaded my home town of whiterun, I wished I gone with the imperials, the stormcloaks are dicks!
From: Ixion31 May 2012 19:54
To: ALL722 of 773 Soon with more added vampires and stuff and the ability to turn into a flock of bats!
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 3 Jun 2012 21:45
To: Ixion 723 of 773
Well, doesn't that just have 'GHEY' writ all over?
From: Woggy 5 Jun 2012 10:08
To: Ixion 724 of 773
I wonder how that's going to tie in with the kind of vampires they have already?
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)10 Jun 2012 13:20
To: ALL725 of 773

I have just used a service to port my PS3 save game to my PC.


Had not realised how much prettier it looked on the PC!


Any body messed around with the stream workshop?

From: graphitone 9 Jan 2014 22:11
To: ALL726 of 773
Ok, just started playing this and am already miffed at the menus. Which mod do people recommend to fix them?

There's probably something in the thread, but I have not the inclination to go through 700 posts and probably lots of spoilers. :C
EDITED: 9 Jan 2014 22:18 by GRAPHITONE
From: sinkywinky 9 Jan 2014 23:53
To: graphitone 727 of 773
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)10 Jan 2014 05:50
To: graphitone 728 of 773
Snape kills Dumbledore.
From: graphitone10 Jan 2014 08:54
To: sinkywinky 729 of 773
From: graphitone10 Jan 2014 08:54
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 730 of 773
From: MrTrent10 Jan 2014 15:55
To: graphitone 731 of 773
I'm one of the few people who like the menu as it is. Admittedly it took a bit of getting used to, and a something as basic as a menu shouldn't really need getting used to. But once i was used to it i found it really handy as it means i can select anything just by twiddling the fingers on my left hand and don't need to faff about with the mouse.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)10 Jan 2014 16:45
To: MrTrent 732 of 773
I use SkyUI as well, and often only use my left hand on the keyboard to do everything. The main difference between the default and the modded menu for me is that you can see so much more on screen. By default you get something like 9 or 11 items visible at once with the ones to the top and bottom faded out slightly, but with SkyUI you can see at least twice as many plus basic info at the same time. Stuff like sorting, favouriting and switching categories is much neater too.
From: graphitone10 Jan 2014 17:45
To: MrTrent 733 of 773
I'm beginning to think i've bitten off more than i can chew with this game. I'm vaguely aware what +1 means when it comes to swords, but have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. I found a chair on top of a little tower. The game give me the option to sit down. So i did. That wasted 5 minutes. People keep asking me to do things for them, and as I've not yet found the journal i keep forgetting the side quests :C

Minor point and i guess I'm looking at the freeform nature the wrong way, but damn - it's overwhelmingly huge.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)11 Jan 2014 05:08
To: graphitone 734 of 773
From: graphitone15 Jan 2014 23:16
To: ALL735 of 773
There's a lot of strange things up in the mountains. :/

Best thing I found was a subjugated ghost. He kept saying "I don't want to do this" as he beat down on me.

Also, seeing the two moons amongst a display of (presumably) northern lights was a highlight.
EDITED: 15 Jan 2014 23:18 by GRAPHITONE
From: graphitone15 Jan 2014 23:18
To: graphitone 736 of 773
Picture didn't attach to that post, so here it is.
From: patch15 Jan 2014 23:18
To: graphitone 737 of 773
There's a ghost horseman somewhere in there, too. I never did work out what that was all about.
From: graphitone15 Jan 2014 23:27
To: patch All 738 of 773
I did have a quick read through the rest of this thread - was he the headless one?

I guess everyone will have been thoroughly bored by Skyrim now, anyone still playing it?

I'm playing through it as a hack and slash and have realised that's not very effective against magical peoples.

How does one protect oneself against wibbly wobbly magic things coming 'atcha?
From: patch15 Jan 2014 23:30
To: graphitone 739 of 773
Archery. It's the only way to fight.
From: graphitone15 Jan 2014 23:43
To: patch 740 of 773
Good advice. I need some better arrows. I'm using some i looted off a draugr in a dungeon and they're probably past their best.

I'm only level 5 so far and everything except weaker bandits is kicking my arse.