
From: DrBoff (BOFF)18 Jan 2012 14:45
To: Manthorp 671 of 773
I'm well bored of it. Might go back to Morrowind again.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)18 Jan 2012 14:55
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 672 of 773
From: Matt18 Jan 2012 17:18
To: ALL673 of 773
I still haven't played it. Well, tell a lie, I've started it, sat through the intro, went with the captive and not the guard, followed him to his Sister's house. And that's it.

(Really not been in a game playing mood at all recently. Work is being rather intense at the moment and I often just want to collapse when I get home, have some food, watch some TV and go to bed)
From: MrTrent18 Jan 2012 18:32
To: Manthorp 674 of 773
Steam says 113 hours for me. I don't know how accurate that is though.

So far that's nothing compared to the total time i've spent in Oblivion. I haven't actually touched it in a year but last time i did i added up the time clocks from all my saved characters and it was over 450 hours. That's not including a few characters i got bored with and deleted. Must be a good 500 hours in total.
From: Radio18 Jan 2012 18:49
To: MrTrent 675 of 773
Just checked, I wasn't far off, 33 hours.

Has anyone installed any mods? I'm tempted by SkyUI, described a bit, here
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)18 Jan 2012 19:09
To: Radio 676 of 773
I recommend this one:

(purely because a friend of mine made it :Y )
From: Dave!!18 Jan 2012 19:16
To: Radio 677 of 773
Hmm, might try that and see how it compares to the QD Inventory mod I was using before!
From: milko18 Jan 2012 19:56
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 678 of 773
haha. First thing I've seen that makes me want to get this. Can your friend do it for more games please?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)18 Jan 2012 20:02
To: milko 679 of 773
I shall put it to him :Y
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)18 Jan 2012 20:04
To: milko 680 of 773
<qptain_Nemo> please tell milko that i'm a game developer and i will most certainly put it in my own games :)
From: Chris (CHRISSS)18 Jan 2012 20:28
To: ALL681 of 773

Ha. 48 hours into the game and I've only now realised I can sprint :D


To those who don't know if you Load instead of Continue it says the amount of time for each save game.

From: Radio18 Jan 2012 20:58
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 682 of 773
I've only just realised I can mine....
From: Manthorp18 Jan 2012 22:04
To: Radio 683 of 773
You can mine in two stylees, at that. You can either keep your pickaxe unequipped and click on the ore vein, for a sedate mineral extraction experience, or equip it as a weapon and attack the rock-face for mania and mayhem.
EDITED: 18 Jan 2012 22:27 by MANTHORP
From: milko18 Jan 2012 23:28
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 684 of 773
YES! Next, tell me what games are his so I can play them. No rush. This'll be like that narrator thing in Bastion. Next gen gaming, man.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)18 Jan 2012 23:36
To: milko 685 of 773
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)19 Jan 2012 01:40
To: Manthorp 686 of 773
The latter technique can also be used while dual-wielding pickaxes. I wonder why people don't do that in real life, surely they could work twice as fast?
From: Manthorp19 Jan 2012 02:04
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 687 of 773
Yes, I had a go with that too. The British coalmining industry would still be thriving to this day if the feckless face workers had adopted similar productivity measures. I blame Kos.
From: Dave!!19 Jan 2012 09:58
To: Manthorp 688 of 773
I think it'd also be doing better if the miners had adopted the tactic of finding minerals, pressing the "Use" key, nipping off to the john, then coming back to find an inventory full of iron ore. But no. They had to mess around with all these hard hats with little lights on and all the rest of the unnecessary baggage didn't they.
From: Radio19 Jan 2012 10:25
To: Dave!! 689 of 773

I bet they also levelled up their health* at every opportunity rather than their stamina, meaning they couldn't carry much more than a couple of loads of coal at any one time.


* - Has to be health as I don't remember many magic-using miners

From: Manthorp19 Jan 2012 10:55
To: Dave!! 690 of 773
If only Bethesda had been around in Thatcher's day. We'd still be using the Flying Scotsman.