
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 Jan 2012 15:35
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 621 of 773
I haven't had a channce to play Skyrim since Christmas Eve :( This year I plan to go to sleep earlier so I won't get much time to play, it was usually after 11pm I started playing.
From: Byte (BYTESPC) 7 Jan 2012 16:07
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 622 of 773
Ah.....trying to be normal or game cold turkey as its better known, lol, best of luck with that Chris
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 Jan 2012 16:22
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 623 of 773

It's more about trying to spend some time with my family awake instead of feeling half dead when I come home from work. There was a week in October when I had about 3 or 4 hours sleep every night and by the end of the week I felt really ill.


I have no doubt I'll start Skyrim up soon and be back to my old ways. I also expected more talk in this thread after people getig it for Christmas.

From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 7 Jan 2012 21:39
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 624 of 773
I've been playing, although I've been a little bit busy over the last week or so. I have two main characters, a warrior and a mage, both in the low 30s. I got 100 smithing with my warrior and am now sporting a full set of sexy dragonbone armour. :D
From: koswix 7 Jan 2012 21:48
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 625 of 773
How did you get 100 smithing? Iron daggers?
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 7 Jan 2012 22:36
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 626 of 773
I only just started playing it, I have found out the hard way that you really can't kill a dragon at lvl 6 with a shitty steal sword.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 7 Jan 2012 23:11
To: koswix 627 of 773
A bit of training from Eorlund Grey-mane and lots and lots and lots of hide bracers.
From: Radio 7 Jan 2012 23:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 628 of 773

I got it for Christmas, and playing it far too much, although I'm only on level 15. Also pissed off that I after learning the second shout, I went and killed at least 3 dragons, then learnt a new shout by going up to the highlands place I was told about, and the game told me I need a dragon soul to learn a new shout - I've got THREE!!


Just had a great mission killing a load of bandits by sneaking up on them with a bow. Maybe I just never tried it in Oblivion, but it's so much more fun being sneaky than charging straight in. Lydia and the horse are a bit of a pain though, charging in when they're not supposed to.

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Jan 2012 00:26
To: Radio 629 of 773

I went to, umm, I seem to have forgotten what places are called it's been so long since I played :S Top of a mountain with some monks, the ones that don't talk, well, one of them does.


Anyway, I asked for a new dragon wall location and they sent me to a location where I can't go yet. It said location added to map, it didn't appear so looks like I need to visit another location so I can find some object to go to the dragon wall place.

From: MrTrent 8 Jan 2012 09:02
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 630 of 773
Why bother wearing dragonbone armour? It doesn't look as cool as Deadric Armour, and it has lower stats than Daedric Armour.

It really annoyed me, that did. I put a lot of effort in getting my smithing to 100, as you must have done, and then i found out that the last 10 points were basically a complete waste of time and money.
From: Manthorp 8 Jan 2012 10:38
To: MrTrent 631 of 773
The best armour, for value & coolth combined, has got to be the ebony mail you're awarded at the end of Bothiah's Calling. I mean, come on, *smouldering* armour

I am a level 52 Breton hardass with smithing madskillz, Dragonplate & Dragonbone armours on display at one of my five homes and 200k+ gold. Phear my awesomeness.
From: 777 (ALMOR) 8 Jan 2012 12:18
To: Radio 632 of 773
quote: Radio
I got it for Christmas, and playing it far too much, although I'm only on level 15. Also pissed off that I after learning the second shout, I went and killed at least 3 dragons, then learnt a new shout by going up to the highlands place I was told about, and the game told me I need a dragon soul to learn a new shout - I've got THREE!!

I had that to, cant remember if it was after a certain point in the quests when I could unlock them or realise that I wasn't clicking the actual shout in the main screen to unlock.

Loving my dragon scale amour as I'm a right sneaky bastard with a bow.
From: koswix 8 Jan 2012 12:19
To: MrTrent 633 of 773
Makes sense, how sid you get the dragon scales and bones?
From: Radio 8 Jan 2012 14:11
To: 777 (ALMOR) 634 of 773

I think it's that I was allowed to use the new shouts they taught me even though I'd only killed two dragons, but before I can learn more, I've got to play catchup. Got 4 souls now, but 5 words, so just keeping an eye out for the next dragon.


Someone mentioned reading the books on your phone rather than the PC - how do you do that? Is there some sort of 'Books of Skyrim' ebook?

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Jan 2012 15:12
To: Radio 635 of 773
It was me who started reading some of the books. There is a Kindle file that contains all the books but I couldn't get that to work with the Kindle software on my phone so I read them from

I just started playing for the first time since last year and the first thing I went to do was broken. Talking to Esbern and there was no sound and the subtitles flashed up then disappeared before I could read them.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Jan 2012 15:24
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 636 of 773
It seems there is some way to install something or other to fix that part but I just went through it with Fraps running and taking a screenshot of every part of the text.
From: 777 (ALMOR) 8 Jan 2012 16:06
To: Radio 637 of 773

They say they give you the soul when teaching you the words.
I've got loads of souls saved up, not really bothered with the shouts to much, I should really have a hunt round a few more dungeons for the words.
Now I've got a legendary Daedric bow made with a full outfit with smithing boosters and potions and enchanted it's balls out with shock and fire damage there's not much that needs finishing off at close range!
It has been a boring time maxing out smithery and enchanting though, I must have hundreds of crappy enchanted rings!

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Jan 2012 16:13
To: 777 (ALMOR) 638 of 773
The only shout I really use is the slow time one.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 8 Jan 2012 16:34
To: MrTrent 639 of 773
Dragonbone is much easier to come by than Daedra hearts, of which I must have found all of one or two so far in the game, and probably turned them into potions. Plus Dragonbone suits my ugly rugged Nord warrior better.
From: MrTrent 8 Jan 2012 18:02
To: koswix 640 of 773
how sid you get the dragon scales and bones
By killing dragons.