
From: MrTrent29 Dec 2011 01:14
To: Manthorp 604 of 773
Being a werewolf isn't really any good. Actually turning into a werewolf is pretty pointless as it doesn't make you very hard and you'll still die just as easily. It does have the benefit of making you immune to disease, but that's the only benefit.

Personally, i couldn't wait until i managed to cure it. Assuming you became a werewolf via the Companions questline when the chief dude sends you to bring back the witches head's so you can cure him, make sure you keep one for yourself
From: Manthorp29 Dec 2011 08:12
To: MrTrent 605 of 773
I'm waiting to see how big my werewolf knob is before making a final decision.
From: koswix29 Dec 2011 18:55
To: ALL606 of 773

What's the benefit of having a house? I've been playing for god knows how many hours and I'm up to level 18, and I still haven't bought one :$


Whenever I get a decent amount of money I see to spend it, thus making Skyrim very realistic :$



EDITED: 29 Dec 2011 18:56 by KOSWIX
From: MrTrent29 Dec 2011 18:58
To: koswix 607 of 773
A place to store stuff, mainly. Plus you can decorate some of them with your weapons and armour and other stuff.
From: af (CAER)29 Dec 2011 21:06
To: koswix 608 of 773
Mainly as MrTrent said - it's a great place to store all those dragon bones/scales until you get your Smithing up high enough to use them for armour. I also use it for storing other stuff like alchemy ingredients, armour enchanted for smithing/alchemy, the thousands of (non-soul-) gems I've collected, and Lydia.
From: koswix29 Dec 2011 21:47
To: af (CAER) 609 of 773

ahh, is that what the dragon bones are for? :$


I'm trying to kill a frost dragon just now, but it's a cunt :@

From: af (CAER)29 Dec 2011 21:54
To: koswix 610 of 773
I find the trick to killing a dragon is to have someone else distract it so you can stand by its wings and beat the crap out of it. Don't stand behind it, lest it flatten you with its tail. Alternatively, try to hide under/behind things until it keeps still, then shoot it. When it (eventually) lands, stay back and pepper it with arrows.

As far as I know that's all the bones/scales are for. Here's Lydia (left, in bone armour) and me (in scale).
EDITED: 29 Dec 2011 21:55 by CAER
From: koswix29 Dec 2011 22:15
To: af (CAER) 611 of 773

I ended up running away :$


Where it had appeared was up a mountain with no where for it to land, so i just kept getting toasted* by it's icy breath.


That armour looks nice. I need to get my smithing skills up to scratch, can't even unlock the magical weapons perk yet :$




*what's the opposite of toasted?

From: patch29 Dec 2011 22:16
To: koswix 612 of 773
Frostied. Duh.
From: johngti_mk-ii29 Dec 2011 22:32
To: patch 613 of 773
Or sugar-puffed.
From: koswix29 Dec 2011 23:37
To: ALL614 of 773
I've been playing since about 9am. I need to stop.
From: koswix30 Dec 2011 01:28
To: koswix 615 of 773
Just one more quest...
From: Chris (CHRISSS)30 Dec 2011 13:22
To: koswix 616 of 773

:D I haven't had the time to play it for even an hour over Christmas :(


I was using a random barrel in Riverwood at the start of the game for storage. When I got my room in Winterhold College I stored stuff in there instead. I now have the Archmage's room but I have too much stuff to move over to there.

From: koswix 2 Jan 2012 14:04
To: ALL617 of 773

Haha, this article made me think of sneaking round the guards barracks nicking stuff.

From: MrTrent 2 Jan 2012 17:29
To: koswix 618 of 773
Awesome. I especially like the packet of crumpets being nicked here in my glorious home town.
From: koswix 2 Jan 2012 19:31
To: MrTrent 619 of 773
Aye, its understandable though. Crumpets are fucking ace.
From: Byte (BYTESPC) 7 Jan 2012 15:03
To: ALL620 of 773
Is no one else playing this anymore, have you all succumbed to the broken quest malaze and given up or are you all still waiting for the Skyrim Second Edition Hard Back Guide from Amazon ?
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 Jan 2012 15:35
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 621 of 773
I haven't had a channce to play Skyrim since Christmas Eve :( This year I plan to go to sleep earlier so I won't get much time to play, it was usually after 11pm I started playing.
From: Byte (BYTESPC) 7 Jan 2012 16:07
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 622 of 773
Ah.....trying to be normal or game cold turkey as its better known, lol, best of luck with that Chris
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 Jan 2012 16:22
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 623 of 773

It's more about trying to spend some time with my family awake instead of feeling half dead when I come home from work. There was a week in October when I had about 3 or 4 hours sleep every night and by the end of the week I felt really ill.


I have no doubt I'll start Skyrim up soon and be back to my old ways. I also expected more talk in this thread after people getig it for Christmas.