
From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 16:21
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 577 of 773
I cleared out a load of ingredients/food/soul gems which I wasn't using and dropped my weight down to 180ish. I could probably leave some more stuff behind but occasionally I find some of the stuff I'm carrying handy. I didn't realise how much light weight stuff I was carrying. Lots of 0.1-0.5 items really add up.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 16:23
To: Dave!! 578 of 773

Yes, silly controls some of them.


I was attacking some baddies in a room earlier with some big fireballs. There was another baddy on top of a platform above the carnage who didn't take any notice of the explosions going on below.

From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 16:24
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 579 of 773
Or if you really wanted toYou could try doing your spoilers this waybut it would be really silly and not make much sense to do so.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 16:25
To: ALL580 of 773
Anyway, I did say I was going to do some stuff around the house while my daughter had her afternoon nap but instead I've been playing Skyrim for the last 2 hours :oops
From: graphitone22 Dec 2011 16:57
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 581 of 773
She naps for 2 hours?! Shit, that'd be a miracle for our boy. Even when he was very little he'd have 30 minutes at the most. Now that he's nearly 2 he rarely naps at all unless he's very very knackered. :C
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)22 Dec 2011 17:39
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 582 of 773
That's hideous, takes far too many clicks to get right.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 17:40
To: graphitone 583 of 773

She varies a lot. Sometimes it's only half an hour, other times it's 2 hours. She's great in the mornings too. We're not really sure what time she wakes up but she's happy to play/talk to herself in her cot til she gets bored and starts talking to us.


Today on my first day off for Christmas she woke up at 8ish but went back to sleep. I didn't hear her again til 9:53 so had a lovely lie in :D

From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 17:42
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 584 of 773
From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 18:01
To: ALL585 of 773
Ha. I was just sorting some stuff out upstairs and I heard her open the living room door. She ran out the hallway when she saw me coming downstairs and tried to open the front door. Good thing it was locked or she'd have been outside running up the road :S
From: graphitone22 Dec 2011 18:03
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 586 of 773

Wow, she sounds like a great sleeper!


William had a fairly long spate of getting up around 7 and amusing himself with whatever was in his cot, it just didn't last - now anything over 7am is a lie in for us!


I was hoping he'd inherit his mother's sleeping ways - when she was a nipper she would stand at the bottom of the stairs demanding to go to bed. (nod)

From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 18:26
To: graphitone 587 of 773
She normally gets us up around 8 so today was very late luckily for me :) When she gets tired she goes to the bottom of the stairs and says "nigh nigh." We don't always listen to her if it's too early, she normally goes to bed about 8.
From: Dave!!22 Dec 2011 20:24
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 588 of 773
I got up at around 8am yesterday, but only because that's when the shops in Markarth opened.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 20:57
To: Dave!! 589 of 773

:) Do they have any Christmas/New Year sales?


I keep getting random dragon skeletons appearing at Winterhold College. I keep shooting them away with my firebolts but they keep coming back.

From: graphitone23 Dec 2011 10:02
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 590 of 773
Maybe we're putting the boy to bed too early - his normal bedtime (to go to sleep) is around half 7. :/
From: Dave!!23 Dec 2011 11:19
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 591 of 773
I think there's a quest that involves clearing out the skeletons from the basement levels of the college, although I've not undertaken it myself. Might be worth doing to see if it clears them up?

As for offers, I really would love to see the traders offering "buy 5 get one free" offers on arrows, "All potions 25% off today", "Spend over 200 gold and get 6 gold per kilo off your next purchase of horse food". That'd be awesome :)
From: Chris (CHRISSS)23 Dec 2011 12:56
To: graphitone 592 of 773

I think it's just a time she would normally fall asleep when she was younger and we've stuck to that. And if she sleeps til 8am then I'm happy with that :)


She's a nightmare at the moment though, climbing up on the cabinet we have next to the sofa and TV. She's just started climbing up on the table we put in front of the glass cabinet to stop her getting in there and no amount of "NO!"s will stop her. Grr.

From: Chris (CHRISSS)23 Dec 2011 13:03
To: Dave!! 593 of 773
There are dragon skeletons beneath the college? I will check that out to see if it helps. I'm still on the original unpatched version which probably doesn't help either.
From: Dave!!23 Dec 2011 14:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 594 of 773
Sorry, normal ones. I missed the "dragon" word before :-$
From: Chris (CHRISSS)23 Dec 2011 17:50
To: Dave!! 595 of 773

Ah, nevermind then :) I now have a dragon stuck in the archway into the college. It has it's head and a wing stuck in the building above so won't move when I fire at it.


No doubt this thread will see more activity in a couple of days.

From: Kriv24 Dec 2011 00:31
To: ALL596 of 773
Are there any suggested mods that should be installed?