
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)18 Dec 2011 15:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 554 of 773
Aye, that's the streamlining. I don't mind that so much, though it limits expression quite a lot. It's the simplification of the narratives. Everything's just like paper thin :(
From: af (CAER)18 Dec 2011 16:52
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 555 of 773
Goth :C
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)18 Dec 2011 17:11
To: af (CAER) 556 of 773
Gone back to my old character. I enjoy stabbing things too much :Y
From: Dave!!18 Dec 2011 20:11
To: ALL557 of 773
Well, came across my first broken quest. Seems that the more active quests you have, the greater the chance of one of them breaking. This seems to be because the Radiant quest system can end up dynamically assigning the objective to the same dungeon/cave as a more major quest, and having 2 active quests in the same place means that one of the objective items goes missing.

So, I'm currently not talking to people to avoid triggering new quests in order to clear up my quest journal a bit. A pity really as the Radiant system is otherwise quite clever really.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)19 Dec 2011 00:30
To: Dave!! 558 of 773
I hate how there's no way to cancel quests, or even avoid picking them up sometimes. My large burly warrior character currently has a quest to investigate the Mage's College, just because someone told me to without me even talking to them. They just said it as one of the lines they rattle off if you walk near them.
From: af (CAER)19 Dec 2011 14:16
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 559 of 773
All you have to do for that one is go to Winterhold - you don't even need to go inside the college, and Winterhold is a pretty small town otherwise.

As a bonus, the shrine of Azura is nearby.
From: Dave!!19 Dec 2011 14:48
To: af (CAER) 560 of 773
Yeah, but by joining the college, you also then trigger the first quest from that line.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Dec 2011 11:56
To: af (CAER) 561 of 773
I noticed last night I had the Shrine of Azura on my map so went for a visit. It's huge. I didn't expect it so big. There was someone standing in front of it doing something then I saved and.went to.bed.
EDITED: 20 Dec 2011 12:06 by CHRISSS
From: patch20 Dec 2011 12:02
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 562 of 773
Fine spoiler tag work.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Dec 2011 12:08
To: patch 563 of 773
I messed it up, put my /s in the wrong place. Fixed now.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Dec 2011 23:24
To: ALL564 of 773
Maybe it would be fun to put every word in its own spoiler tags. What do you think about that idea? I think it could be good but might make reading the thing a little annoying.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Dec 2011 23:25
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 565 of 773
I think I see what you mean about that. Dialogue with people is certainly very short. I remember in Oblivion having a long conversation with some people but that doesn't seem to be the case in Skyrim.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Dec 2011 23:55
To: ALL566 of 773
I've worked out why I sometimes end up not wearing any clothes. It happens why I put a helmet on when I'm wearing my robes. Oops.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)22 Dec 2011 00:20
To: ALL567 of 773
Haha. Oops. I've been storing some stuff at Winterhold College and I just went to drop some more stuff off. I accidentally picked everything up so I now have 1006 out of 335 carrying ability wotsits.
From: koswix22 Dec 2011 00:30
To: ALL568 of 773
I jeep getting eaten by big cats :@
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)22 Dec 2011 00:47
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 569 of 773
I'm just cheating my carry weight up to 500-600. It's a pain in the hole to have to worry about storing/selling stuff too often when I just want to go to the next dungeon.
From: Dave!!22 Dec 2011 01:31
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 570 of 773
I've done that several times with my chest in Whiterun. It's just too easy to hit the "R" key - especially as that's the key you have to use to transfer stuff from your inventory to the chest. Yet when you're in the chest contents list, pressing "R" means "Grab everything". Then you're all like :C as you try to transfer things back.

Another thing that does irritate me is just how useless the enemies are when you're sneaking and sniping at them with an arrow. You fire one into a bunch of necromancers, retreat just a few steps, then in no time at all they're all like "Guess I was just hearing things!" as one of them wanders back with a fucking great arrow sticking out of his back. It gets more daft once you've killed 3 of them and the fourth just wanders back through the corpses, convinced it was just the wind that he heard!
From: Byte (BYTESPC)22 Dec 2011 13:45
To: Dave!! 571 of 773
amusing though, what I especially like is as you advance and get better stagger with bows and arrows you can send the blighters over large drops and sometimes they will still be talking as they disapear from view, very chucklesome :) oh and no I don't know how to do spoilers before anyone asks :(  
EDITED: 22 Dec 2011 15:21 by BYTESPC
From: af (CAER)22 Dec 2011 14:36
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 572 of 773
<spoiler>Like this</spoiler>
From: Byte (BYTESPC)22 Dec 2011 15:12
To: af (CAER) 573 of 773
is that before and after the txt you want greyed out ?