
From: MrTrent14 Dec 2011 08:10
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 492 of 773
I had that a couple of times, but i think that was specifically mentioned in the notes for the last patch.

I've not really had many serious bugs with this game. Nowhere near as many as you seem to have had anyway. CTD's used to be a problem, but not after the last patch. A couple of times there were some missing textures, and just purple or yellow blobs instead, but again i've not seen that since the patch. Never had the backwards flying dragon thing, or any clipping problems. The worst i had was a couple of bugged quests, requiring console commands to fix.
From: af (CAER)14 Dec 2011 10:29
To: MrTrent 493 of 773
I had a CTD last night, and I took it as a hint the game wanted me to go to bed. I'd found some dwemer ruins (Irkngthand I think it was) and approached it from the south, over the mountain.

On my first attempt to assault the bandits therein, I sat high on the mountainside and peppered them with arrows for a bit before heading in. Alas, I ran into the bandit chieftan (literally) and he killed me in one hit.

On my second attempt, I remembered I had a couple of fireball staffs, which I employed to great effect/amusement, once again from the safety of the cliffside. In particular when one of the explodey ones landed near the aforementioned bandit chief and he ran blindly off a bridge and fell to his death. After softening up the bandits thus, I crept down and finished a few more off with my bow. Alas I got jumped by one and in a panic to equip my daggers I mistakenly left one of the fireball staffs in my left hand, which I didn't notice until I was dead, after wondering why my rapid clicks weren't doing as much as they should have.

On my third attempt, I repeated the firebombing routine, this time managing to get a couple more bandits to leap to their doom. Then when I crept down to finish the rest off, the game crashed. It was just about midnight, so I admitted defeat and went to bed :C
From: koswix14 Dec 2011 17:56
To: ALL494 of 773

Is it just me, or do you seem to level up really fast?


I've only done one quest (The Golden Claw, well and the Unbound thing at start) and only played for about an hour and a half (I was taking my time looking in every nook and cranny on the way :$ ) and I'm at level 5 already. Does it slow down?

From: patch14 Dec 2011 17:56
To: koswix 495 of 773
Certainly does. It's taking me ages to get to 44.
From: koswix14 Dec 2011 18:12
To: patch 496 of 773
Ok, good. 5 levels per quest seems a bit excessive :D
From: af (CAER)14 Dec 2011 18:53
To: koswix 497 of 773
Likewise, I'm level 33 and have been for a good while now. Partly it's slowed down because my Sneak skill is on 100 and that was the main thing causing me to level up, so there's only Archery (which I don't use much) and stuff like 1-handed (which I also don't use much, since ideally things die in one hit) and blacksmithing/enchanting/alchemy. And maybe lockpicking, which I've put no perk points into since I can manage to break Master-level locks without much difficulty.
From: Dave!!14 Dec 2011 20:25
To: koswix 498 of 773
What they said. Earlier in the game, you need to level up less skills to go up a level, and the early levels of skills are easy to obtain. Later on, you need to do a lot more per level of your skills, and your overall character level takes longer too. I've been playing for 50 hours and am at level 28 if it helps.
From: koswix14 Dec 2011 20:29
To: Dave!! 499 of 773



Does jumping help you level up? Or can I stop pretending it's Morrowind and learn to walk places...

From: Dave!!14 Dec 2011 20:46
To: koswix 500 of 773
Nope, cos there's no athletics or acrobatics skills!

Instead, there's a "sprint" option, and some really slow horses.
From: MrTrent14 Dec 2011 21:46
To: ALL501 of 773
I am not happy. Some guy in Solitude offered me a free meat pie, i gratefully accepted, and he gave me a fucking apple pie. Don't get me wrong, i like apple pie, but not when i'm expecting a meat pie. Worst bug in the entire fucking game.
From: Dave!!14 Dec 2011 21:55
To: MrTrent 502 of 773
That's a shitter! Next time I'm offered a pie, I'll choose the "No, fucking fuck you" option so that I have a sporting chance of avoiding this terrible bug. :(
From: Chris (CHRISSS)14 Dec 2011 22:34
To: MrTrent 503 of 773

O! M! /G!/


I don't think I can play this game any more :(

From: Byte (BYTESPC)15 Dec 2011 09:24
To: ALL504 of 773
Well it's happened........on PS3 last night I got the Night Caller temple Bug, followed him to the yadda yadda he goes in and promptly vanishes and get this the damn game auto saves as soon as you get in and overrights the last autosave of outside, so now back 2hrs of gameplay to try and get round this asshole glitch, from reading online there are so many more that it's pretty near immpossible to get the Platinum Trophy or equivalent for PC.....:(, come on Bethesda release a huge patch and fix this festering , annoying game, loads on sale secondhand from disgruntled punters. sigh...I so wanted this to be the awsome game we were promised but it is so obviously a rushed release to cash in on the xmas sales rush :(
From: Dave!!15 Dec 2011 09:26
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 505 of 773
Well, at least it's taught you the importance of regular manual quicksaves!
From: Byte (BYTESPC)15 Dec 2011 09:42
To: Dave!! 506 of 773
Ah dude....I normally do but I like thousands of others have been borked by this latest glitch, it really does suck....I have to tell you the controller nearly went out the window :(
From: MrTrent15 Dec 2011 19:46
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 507 of 773
I got that one. Luckily i was on PC so i could fix it with a console command.
From: Byte (BYTESPC)15 Dec 2011 21:16
To: MrTrent 508 of 773
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)16 Dec 2011 00:37
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 509 of 773
No three rolling autosaves?
From: Byte (BYTESPC)16 Dec 2011 07:30
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 510 of 773
Not sure what you mean by rolling but my system overrights each auto save every time, so now a nightingale and the quest has now disappeared from my quest list :(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Dec 2011 07:37
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 511 of 773
If you go to the folder where the saves are stored (somewhere in appdata under user I think, can't look now as I'm not on that pc) it actually saves 3 of each (autosave and quicksave) and renames the older ones to like backup1, backup2 etc. (forget the actual suffix used) so you can just rename them and use them.