
From: MrTrent10 Dec 2011 00:05
To: ALL447 of 773
I've just noticed something. Aela the huntress, from the companions guild, is fit.
From: af (CAER)10 Dec 2011 00:39
To: MrTrent 448 of 773
And dressed accordingly.
From: 777 (ALMOR)10 Dec 2011 12:39
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 449 of 773
I've not bothered with the blacksmithing much, My bow skills are about 92 I think! Along with a high sneak skill, I mostly sneak through dungeons sniping everything and trying to clear the entire place with sneak kills.
From: Byte (BYTESPC)11 Dec 2011 00:09
To: ALL450 of 773
Anyone else suffering the characters faces disapearing when in buildings and the dreaded crash to desktop ?
From: 777 (ALMOR)11 Dec 2011 10:45
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 451 of 773

Nope, it has to be the best behaved game ever for me!
Amazing for Bethesda, looking on the forums you are not the only one.

From: Byte (BYTESPC)11 Dec 2011 11:04
To: 777 (ALMOR) 452 of 773
it started yesterday after Steam did a bloody update now it wont play for more than 20mins at a time, what a load of old crock come on guys get it right :(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Dec 2011 13:21
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 453 of 773
That's why you should search for details of what the patch does, before you choose to apply it?
From: MrTrent11 Dec 2011 13:59
To: ALL454 of 773
I just started a new character a couple of days ago. This woman hasn't done much yet, a couple of dungeon crawls, a couple of side quests, a couple of dragons, joined the companions and is in the process of joining the Imperial Legion. I'm on my way now to a fort to kill a bunch of bandits as my initiation test for the Legion when i was attacked by a Dark Brotherhood assassin. Upon searching his corpse i find a note, signed by Astrid, saying they have been paid to kill me.

Has anyone else had a contract taken out on them? If so, have you been able to determine the reason for it. I honestly cannot think of anything i have done (yet) to piss people off enough to send the dark brotherhood after me.
From: koswix11 Dec 2011 14:14
To: ALL455 of 773

Only played a wee bit so far, playing as a Redguard with awesome dreads. Not done any quests yet or even much exploring, but I have Tuesday and Wednesday off so will play the shit out of it then.


Initial impression: (dance)

From: Byte (BYTESPC)11 Dec 2011 14:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 456 of 773
Steam applied it automatically it is deliberately aimed at stopping the mod scene for memory address issues, if you are running a non pirated copy it will effect you, thousands of peeps now have unplayable games, for me it was a simple fix of running in compatibility mode for vista with patch 2. :)
From: Byte (BYTESPC)11 Dec 2011 14:17
To: MrTrent 457 of 773
Isn't that in response to killing the hag teacher for the little boy ?
From: MrTrent11 Dec 2011 14:52
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 458 of 773
Nope, that's the quest to join the DB. You meet the kid, kill the hag, then Astrid gives you the chance to join up. I haven't even gone to Winterhold yet to meet the kid.

This was an actual assassination attempt. According to the note someone had performed the black sacrament and paid them to kill me. I cannot think of a single reason why.
From: MrTrent11 Dec 2011 15:00
To: MrTrent 459 of 773
Hmm, i've just thought of something. The only thing this character has done differently so far is that when i get to Whiterun some guy asks if you support the Gray-Manes or Battle-Borns. With my first dude i remained neutral, with the chick i'm playing now i declared support for one side (whichever one it was that supports teh empire). Would that be enough to make the other family put a contract out on me?

It could just be a random event though.
From: Byte (BYTESPC)11 Dec 2011 15:34
To: MrTrent 460 of 773
Weird I have done the same as you, one character hasent proffered love for any side but the one I play on pc has, will be interesting to see what happens.
From: patch11 Dec 2011 16:30
To: MrTrent 461 of 773
I'm not sure you ever find out. I think it's just because you're the Dragonborn.
From: MrTrent11 Dec 2011 16:57
To: patch 462 of 773
Then why didn't it happen to Marcus the Orc? There was a good 25 hours at least before he joined the brotherhood and nobody came after him, but someone's tried to kill Aurelia the Imperial after less than 10. Weird.
From: patch11 Dec 2011 17:19
To: MrTrent 463 of 773
Maybe you've just made a dislikable character, this time.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)11 Dec 2011 17:53
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 464 of 773
How do you have time to play with more than one character? I've only been playing with one and feel I've got nowhere so far.
From: Byte (BYTESPC)11 Dec 2011 18:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 465 of 773
I am retired due to ill health .
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)11 Dec 2011 19:30
To: MrTrent 466 of 773
I'm pretty sure it's just a random encounter. Of the people I know who've played it most (but not all) have had it. I didn't have it, probably because I did the DB stuff very early.

And no, there's (typically for Skyrim) no story behind it.