
From: Dave!! 1 Dec 2011 16:24
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 393 of 773
Don't know. I'm still using the inventory mod. Worked fine for me, all you have to do is to just unzip it into your Skyrim\Data folder and it should work fine from there.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 22:05
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 394 of 773
I have strangeness alt-tabbing. It goes to the desktop fine but when I alt-tab back it shows a black screen in a window. Alt-tab again back around to Skyrim and it always goes back to the game.
From: af (CAER) 1 Dec 2011 22:06
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 395 of 773
Mine does the same thing.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 22:33
To: af (CAER) 396 of 773

Mr (Mrs/Miss/Ms?) Lucy said it crashes sometimes alt-tabbing. Dunno if he meant the same thing.


I've been carrying some spell tomes not realising they were for learning new spells. I've got 48 other books which I've picked up but haven't read. Dunno if I should bother to or not. A few have increased some skills and one added a new quest.

From: af (CAER) 1 Dec 2011 22:36
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 397 of 773
Man I never bother picking books up - I just read them on the shelf. I've got quite a few spells I can't even use now, cos they need six times more mana than I have :$
From: Dave!! 1 Dec 2011 23:04
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 398 of 773
Exactly the same here. It's always been that way for me. Alt-Tabbing out is fine. To go back, you always have to alt-tab to Skyrim, then do it a second time to get back.

And the FOV stuff with the patch was wrong. Must have typed it in without realising before :( .
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 23:34
To: af (CAER) 399 of 773

I don't have a chance to play for long at a time so I tend to pick up the books and think I might read them later. Probably using up loads of my inventory weight. I might drop them off somewhere and think about reading them later.


So far loving the game. About 5 hours in and am getting quite hooked now :D

From: af (CAER) 1 Dec 2011 23:39
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 400 of 773
Wait, you actually read them? Like, not just open them then close them straight away just for the potential skill increase? 8-O
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 23:46
To: af (CAER) 401 of 773
No, I meant I "read" them, pick them up and have stored them just in case they are worth proper reading, which I haven't done yet.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 Dec 2011 00:00
To: af (CAER) 402 of 773
Fucking cheating metagamer. :@
From: Byte (BYTESPC) 2 Dec 2011 09:26
To: ALL403 of 773
Now up to level 24 and just done the seven thousand steps to find the next bit of the main quest line but I have so many other things that require my attention like assasinations etc........must get back to the game soon.....Bethesda crack more like
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 2 Dec 2011 14:09
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 404 of 773

Not that I have tried crack but I imagine it is every bit as addictive as this. I kept thinking "bed soon" last night and kept saying it til 2am. it's not a good game for decent sleeping patterns.


Up to level 7 at the mo. I'd probably say I'm a mate but I use my shield/Kellogg's Frosties sword (yes, I called it that) when I run out of Magicka. I should probably try other spells but find my dual casting fire hands can defeat most things I've come across so far.


Are soul gems just for recharging enchanted items? I don't think I ever got arouns to using them in Oblivion but seem to remember picking some up.

From: af (CAER) 2 Dec 2011 14:12
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 405 of 773
You soul gems for creating new enchants too.
From: Byte (BYTESPC) 2 Dec 2011 14:22
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 406 of 773
As you get higher using soul crystals is a must for enchanting weapons and armour and then re charging same as they deplete with use, you can be fire proof, poison or set fire too , even drain souls and drain life or blood with each impact or block. A word of warning for low level players , you will get a particular blade in one of the side quests which is the only way to defeat tree wraiths, don't ever throw it away, also don't forget to train in blacksmithing as its essential for making super advanced weapons and armour.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 2 Dec 2011 19:52
To: af (CAER) 407 of 773
Yes, new enchants and recharging was what I meant. Made my Kellogg's Frosties Sword with a soul gem I found which was already full when I found it. So what's the difference between the different ones, petty, common, etc. I assume they hold different types/levels of creatures giving larger capacities or something?
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 2 Dec 2011 19:58
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 408 of 773

Made my first enchanted weapon last night which was fun. Found an enchanting table in some dungeon. I'd cleared most of the place, coming to the last rooms and could hear someone banging away at a forge. Couldn't see where it was coming from but could hear it down the corridors. Love the atmosphere in this game.


Did two almost identical quests last night involving claws. Completed the first and randomly decided to start another which happened to involve the same things so was bored by the end.of that one. Might not get much of a chance to play over the weekend :(

From: Byte (BYTESPC) 3 Dec 2011 09:02
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 409 of 773
LOL........great that you have your first enchanted weapon, don't get bored with claw quests as a lot of shouts start and get upgraded during these little joints and the thugs or whatever there called drop some good loot, the way to tell a shout is close is the chant will start when in the right room so it really pays to be thorough in these dungeons.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 3 Dec 2011 10:41
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 410 of 773
I think it was mainly because it was the last quest I was going to do before bed and was expecting something exciting then it was the same thing as I had just done, and I'd travelled ages to get there. Not that I mind walking around everywhere, the place is lovely to look at. Also I've not started the main quest so don't have any dragons to use with the shouts.
From: johngti_mk-ii 3 Dec 2011 11:17
To: ALL411 of 773

Just wanted to thank everyone in this thread for all of the information you've provided. I was a little tempted to give this game a go and thanks to everything I've read here I've decided not to touch it with a bargepole. As it were.


How on earth can you play this and do things like go to work, play with the kids, go shopping etc etc?

From: Byte (BYTESPC) 3 Dec 2011 11:53
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 412 of 773
aha...believe me if you walk around enough there will be dragonsand not on the main quest line, some are easy some are .....shudder