
From: Dave!!30 Nov 2011 09:53
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 376 of 773
I've applied a few mods. First one makes the horses more cowardly. They'll still rush into battle, but will run away after taking a couple of hits and will retreat to a safe distance. Also applied the inventory mod. It's a MASSIVE improvement over the Bethesda interface. Not perfect mind you and very much in preliminary stages of completion, but it's a big step forward.

Also applied a couple that allow you to smelt down certain items at the smith and make arrows and the likes there.
From: MrTrent30 Nov 2011 12:53
To: Dave!! 377 of 773
How thoughtful of you to mention these handy sounding mods and not link to them.
From: Dave!!30 Nov 2011 13:14
To: MrTrent 378 of 773

Got them all from here:

EDITED: 30 Nov 2011 13:14 by DAVE!!
From: MrTrent30 Nov 2011 15:09
To: Dave!! 379 of 773
Cheers. I can never be arsed to trawl through mod sites looking for decent ones, i much prefer it when someone does the work for me and makes a handy list.
From: Byte (BYTESPC) 1 Dec 2011 10:13
To: MrTrent 380 of 773
Giants are off limits until way later in the game when you are level 30 plus :)
From: patch 1 Dec 2011 10:19
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 381 of 773

Aye, I've got to the stage where I can take a giant out in 3 arrows. I always feel a bit guilty about it, though.


(Your sig is broken)

From: Byte (BYTESPC) 1 Dec 2011 10:24
To: patch 382 of 773
thanks now amended as no longer there
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 10:27
To: Byte (BYTESPC) 383 of 773

At the start of the game after Riverwood I went for a wander and saw a giant. I didn't realise he would attack me as soon as I went over to him to.I went to say hi. One swing of his swingy thing and I was dead straight away.


Slightly further on I saw another giant attacking some wolves so I went to help. He started on me instead so I ran to a nearby fort where there was an evelated walkway where he couldnt get to me and killed.him off with my flaming hands.

From: Byte (BYTESPC) 1 Dec 2011 10:29
To: patch 384 of 773
the real so and so's are the sabre tooth snow leopard thingies that sneak up and swat you down the sides of mountain passes, one caught me a good un and I literally skidded to my death.....
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 10:29
To: Dave!! 385 of 773

From what people said on here the horse mod sounds useful, not that I have one yet. They sound very unhorselike without it.


I also increase the FOV as I find it too narrow on my monitor. Might be different on a widescreen monitor.

From: Byte (BYTESPC) 1 Dec 2011 10:32
To: ALL386 of 773
Right all this chat, I'm off to play it right now Level 20 and I still havent seen the GreyBeards to continue the main quest as I'm having so much fun with the side quests, oh and watch out for being turned into a vampire, hint : always use a shrine after every major mission if you get to stage 4 vamparism everyone npc attacks you on sight and you need to get the cure which is a pain and a fiddle :)
From: af (CAER) 1 Dec 2011 10:53
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 387 of 773
I dunno, I increase it to 85 on my monitor (27", 16:9 ratio) which makes it a lot less claustrophobic.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 11:07
To: af (CAER) 388 of 773

I think the default is 60 which I find makes it uncomfortable to play. I think I changed it to 75.


I had another wander last night and loved standing at the top of a snowy mountain looking over a valley full of trees with huge mountains the other side. It's a very beautiful game.

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 12:12
To: Matt 389 of 773
Has the 1.2 patch been released for the PC? Just reading about the patch for the PS3 which has introduced new bugs including backwards flying dragons. They recommend avoiding it.
From: Matt 1 Dec 2011 12:20
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 390 of 773
Oh Bethesda :'D

I'm sort of glad but also sad I haven't played it yet (getting it for Christmas from parents). Sounds like I'm missing out on all the fun.
From: Dave!! 1 Dec 2011 13:03
To: Matt 391 of 773

It also breaks a couple of my smithing mods too. One plus side I've found from it is that the FOV for my 16:10 monitor is now set to 85 by default. No more having to enter the console every time I launch the game to change it!


On the down side, they added the stupid unskippable "Bethesda" logo back after I'd explicitly deleted it earlier. That annoyed me a bit and meant another trek into my Steamapps folder to remove it again.


I hate unskippable logos with a passion :(

EDITED: 1 Dec 2011 13:03 by DAVE!!
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 13:10
To: Dave!! 392 of 773
Are the controls or menus or inventory bits modified at all? I tried the inventory mod but it didn't work for some reason. Unskippable intros :@ I deleted the video after a couple of times starting the game.
From: Dave!! 1 Dec 2011 16:24
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 393 of 773
Don't know. I'm still using the inventory mod. Worked fine for me, all you have to do is to just unzip it into your Skyrim\Data folder and it should work fine from there.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Dec 2011 22:05
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 394 of 773
I have strangeness alt-tabbing. It goes to the desktop fine but when I alt-tab back it shows a black screen in a window. Alt-tab again back around to Skyrim and it always goes back to the game.
From: af (CAER) 1 Dec 2011 22:06
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 395 of 773
Mine does the same thing.