
From: MrTrent23 Nov 2011 23:21
To: ALL357 of 773
Main quest completed. A bit anti-climactic, as main quests tend to be. At least now there's no more damn dragons, so i have more time to spend on important things, like stealing stuff and murdering people.

Most memorable part of the main quest for me is when it tricked me into doing something i didn't want to do, becasue i thought i had to. Esbern told me to kill Parthunax and that he wouldn't help me again until i did. I thought this was therfore an essential quest as i needed his help to defeat Alduin. Turns out it's completely optional and it really doesn't matter if Esber ever speaks to you again or not. All he ever does after that point is give you missions to kill dragons, and ther's enough bloody dragons to kill anyway. I didn't discover this until after i'd murdered Parthunax.

He didn't deserve to die. He did nothing but help me. I don't think ive ever felt so guilty over something i did in a game.
From: Woggy24 Nov 2011 00:22
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 358 of 773
I own that and the expansion, immortal throne, haven't played in years though, really good game
From: Woggy24 Nov 2011 00:23
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 359 of 773
Bloody hell, spawn of Satan or what, you evil looking git :)
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Nov 2011 08:26
To: Woggy 360 of 773
Tis a good game aye. I seem to play it every now and then with various collections of people. It's a fucking long game though, so we rarely finish it.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)24 Nov 2011 18:11
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 361 of 773
That's it! When is good for you?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Nov 2011 18:39
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 362 of 773
I'm currently on UK time, which is probably inconvenient. But that aside, pretty much anytime...
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)24 Nov 2011 18:52
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 363 of 773
Well, I'll see how things work out. Today and tonight are out for sure. Thanksgiving and then shopping and probably part of tomorrow because more shopping.

But I'll see about Saturday or Sunday!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Nov 2011 19:01
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 364 of 773
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank some turkeys on my behalf!
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)24 Nov 2011 19:02
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 365 of 773
Thanks! I will thank them with my teeth!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Nov 2011 19:04
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 366 of 773
The only thanks they understand.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)29 Nov 2011 14:32
To: ALL367 of 773

I've only been playing this for 1.5 hours so far :( Wives and daughters take up too much of my time.


Looks like there might be a couple of useful mods to use including one which makes the inventory easier to navigate. I was finding it difficult just to know what was selected so will give that a go. Also one for arachnophobics which turns spiders into bears :?


I'm sure I'll put plenty of hours into it and never finish it like Oblivion, Fallout 3 and FO:NV.

From: af (CAER)29 Nov 2011 14:49
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 368 of 773
What it really needs is a way to assign pairs of weapons/spells to a single key.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)29 Nov 2011 14:56
To: af (CAER) 369 of 773
Yes, I totally agree. I assigned my fire hands to 1 and my sword to 2 and was confused when I ended up with a sword in one hand and one on fire. I thought maybe I could add a shield to 3 so I could press 2 and 3 but after pressing 1 again I was back to fire/sword with 3 unassigned.
From: patch29 Nov 2011 15:14
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 370 of 773
If you mark things as favourites, you can just press Q and mix and match to your heart's desire. I realise this pauses the action, but it's a start.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)29 Nov 2011 15:30
To: patch 371 of 773
That's true. And maybe I'm too impatient to want to wait instead of pressing a key to switch to what I want, or just used to playing where you can. Or I want to do things quickly as I don't tend to have much time to play each time.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)29 Nov 2011 15:55
To: ALL372 of 773

Maybe this would be of some help.


I think it allows binding weapons/magic to ,. and [] for left and right hands. I expect it would be more useful for cursor key users rather than wasd.

From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)29 Nov 2011 17:49
To: ALL373 of 773

There's a very stupid bug/glitch that I've found, where if you assign a spell to your first hand there's no way to unequip it or equip another spell there. If you try to select/unequip the same spell, it just toggles between one-handed and two-handed, and if you select another spell it always puts it in the left hand. In order to change your right-hand spell you need to go to items, equip and unequip a weapon to leave your right empty, then pick the spell you want in your right hand.


Pain in the ass for a mage character.

From: Matt29 Nov 2011 19:21
To: ALL374 of 773
Skyrim 1.2 patch tomorrow.

  • Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PlayStation 3)
  • Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive (Xbox 360)
  • Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz (PC)
  • Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away
  • Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player’s wedding dead :'D
  • Dragon corpses now clean up properly
  • Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack
  • Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug
  • Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely
  • Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory
  • Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor
  • Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death
  • ESC button can now be used to exit menus (PC)
  • Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
  • General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)

From: Chris (CHRISSS)29 Nov 2011 21:30
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 375 of 773
That's what the mod that I linked to earlier does. Not quite what I thought. If you are in the magic/items menus (not sure about favourites) you can press [ and ] to equip specific things to each hand.
From: Dave!!30 Nov 2011 09:53
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 376 of 773
I've applied a few mods. First one makes the horses more cowardly. They'll still rush into battle, but will run away after taking a couple of hits and will retreat to a safe distance. Also applied the inventory mod. It's a MASSIVE improvement over the Bethesda interface. Not perfect mind you and very much in preliminary stages of completion, but it's a big step forward.

Also applied a couple that allow you to smelt down certain items at the smith and make arrows and the likes there.