
From: MrTrent21 Nov 2011 20:52
To: ALL288 of 773

I am currently both happy and annoyed. I just had a CTD, which tends to happen from time to time. This annoyed me. Then all of a sudden steam started updating skyrim. This made me happy as it should hopefully reduce the number of CTD's, etc. However it won't let me play the game until it's finished updating, and i was right in the fucking middle of doing something. This annoyed me.


EDIT: Hmm, it's finished updating already. This makes me happy as i can now continue playing, however it also worries me as such a small update can't really have fixed much.

EDITED: 21 Nov 2011 20:55 by MRTRENT
From: graphitone21 Nov 2011 21:45
To: MrTrent 289 of 773
Some people are never pleased.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)21 Nov 2011 23:03
To: ALL290 of 773

Anyone else done Wolfskull cave? It was aweeeeesssommmmmeee. Also I did my first throat slitting today, clearing out a bandit encamped ruin.



From: MrTrent21 Nov 2011 23:23
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 291 of 773
Which one was wolfskull cave? The name rings a bell but i've vleared so many cves and whatnot i can't remember individual ones.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)21 Nov 2011 23:30
To: MrTrent 292 of 773
You interrupt a summoning ritual in an underground castle.
From: patch22 Nov 2011 00:13
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 293 of 773
Funnily enough, I've just finished Wolfskull cave myself. I amused myself for about 10 minutes by sitting on the far side of the cave and making the people on the top of the tower run around whenever an arrow landed near them.
From: MrTrent22 Nov 2011 01:36
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 294 of 773
Oh yes, i remember. I got some very pretty screenshots from there.
From: MrTrent22 Nov 2011 01:39
To: MrTrent 295 of 773
Speaking of pretty screenshots. I've just been doing some of the main quest and the really really deep place you go to get the Elder Scroll was just amazing. I'd post some of my pretty screenshots but it'd really be better to wait until you see it yourselves.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Nov 2011 08:39
To: MrTrent 296 of 773
From: Dave!!22 Nov 2011 09:58
To: af (CAER) 297 of 773
One of my biggest hates about the GUI is some of the inconsistency. When you're dealing with a trader and you click on an item in your inventory with the mouse, it means "sell the item". However, when you're transferring stuff to and from one of your chests in your house and you click on something in your inventory, it means "use it". I've lost count of the times I've ended up drinking some potions instead of transferring them for safe-keeping, just because I forgot to hover over the item and select "R" instead!

Oh, and horses are a pain in the arse too. They're hardly any faster than normal running, and I'm REALLY getting sick of just how obsessed with running into battle my horse is. I end up having to park it miles away from where I want to go, just to stop it from running into battle all the time and getting itself killed.
From: af (CAER)22 Nov 2011 10:28
To: Dave!! 298 of 773
Oh god yeah the super-aggressive horse is a bit annoying, especially when I'm swinging about and have to try and not hit it, then go running after it to stop it getting killed when it charges off into another group of bandits.

The GUI thing, like I said, don't bother using the mouse, it just makes it more fiddly. Still, some consistency in what keys do would be nice, aye.
From: arq (ARQUETURUS)22 Nov 2011 10:51
To: Dave!! 299 of 773
Is the point of Horses not that you can travel at full speed while overloaded?

(while making them mince across massive chasms)

My lovely horse

I parked him and went off path for 20 minutes about an hour later, then came back and he was lying dead in a snow drift :'-(


I think I can see my house from here..
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Nov 2011 10:57
To: arq (ARQUETURUS) 300 of 773
From: arq (ARQUETURUS)22 Nov 2011 11:04
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 301 of 773
Horse being ridden by a two legged deer?
From: DrBoff (BOFF)22 Nov 2011 11:08
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 302 of 773



Needs better background

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Nov 2011 11:34
To: arq (ARQUETURUS) 303 of 773
Exactly right ^_____^
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Nov 2011 11:34
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 304 of 773
Aye, you are entirely correct.
From: arq (ARQUETURUS)22 Nov 2011 12:09
To: ALL305 of 773
If there's one thing that's really impressed me about Skyrim, iot's the Dungeon design.

Every time I enter Ruins/Caves/Forts, I'm not really sure what to expect, both in terms of enemy composition, layout and difficulty, which I really enjoy.

Look at the verticality of this - up and down.

As you can see, this is a Dwemer Ruin, for a Enchanter/Smith like me, I'm in heaven as I'm getting jewels, Dwarwen Ore and Soul Gems a-gogo.

There have instances of deathrap dungeons too - when you get in, you can't get out which I've had to change my play style to survive.

The biggest criticsm I've seen levelled is that the dungeons are linear experiences, which I suppose is valid enough but for the quantity of them in the game It's a touch harsh to pick fault with it.
From: arq (ARQUETURUS)22 Nov 2011 12:16
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 306 of 773
Exactly right ^_____^

Not scary.

and the obligatory

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Nov 2011 12:16
To: arq (ARQUETURUS) 307 of 773
The level design is nice. The price being standard un-alterable running speed and jumping height (and no levitation).

I'm starting to hit the edges of this game. It's very very broad (compared to Oblivion) but incredibly shallow. The questlines are very trivial and short, if fairly well constructed.

Morrowind had the breadth and the depth. But I guess making a game like that these days is impossible. It's just more intensive when textures and models are high res and dialogue must be spoken. This is the best we get.

It's a very good game, even stunning in places. But it's very firmly an action-RPG rather than... whatever Morrowind is.