
From: patch19 Nov 2011 18:42
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 205 of 773
Turns out there are giant crabs in Skyrim. You'd be hard pushed to fit a house inside it, though.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Nov 2011 18:43
To: patch 206 of 773
Ahahaha :D
From: MrTrent19 Nov 2011 18:43
To: ALL207 of 773
I am now wearing a full set of Deadric Armour. I look cool.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Nov 2011 18:46
To: MrTrent 208 of 773
From: patch19 Nov 2011 19:02
To: MrTrent 209 of 773
I'm fully kitted out in Nightingale armour, which seems to be so good at blending with the shadows that I've managed to get sneak shots in on people standing five foot in front of me and looking straight at me. But I haven't taken a screenshot.
EDITED: 19 Nov 2011 19:02 by PATCH
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Nov 2011 19:24
To: patch 210 of 773
I backstabbed a dragon. Sleeping one. Snuck onto its back and stabbed it and it died :Y
From: Chris (CHRISSS)19 Nov 2011 19:49
To: ALL211 of 773

Anyone else here with a 6870 or similar to compare? I dropped the res to 800x600, set high, disabled AA/AF and switched off Dolby Live encoding.


At the start where Ulfrich is on the block the FPS is about 26. Goes up a bit looking away from everyone and shoots up looking at the sky/ground.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Nov 2011 19:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 212 of 773
I have a GTX 460 1gb. Your card is significantly better than mine. I can run it on a kinda mix of high/ultra and it rarely drops below the vsync rate of 60.

There's definitely something fucked for you.
From: patch19 Nov 2011 20:48
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 213 of 773
Man, I didn't even think that would be possible. How did you get up there? Are you standing on it's back?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Nov 2011 20:50
To: patch 214 of 773
Yeah, I jumped on its back from that ledge behind it (while sneaked). I was totally expecting it to wake up when I landed on it. But it didn't. So I gave it a two-dagger backstab and hoped :D
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Nov 2011 21:01
To: ALL215 of 773
I'm having trouble picking sides in the civil war.

Side 1, the Stormcloaks. Essentially just racists who don't like elves.

Side 2, the Empire. They broadly represent peace and harmony and everyone getting along and being on the same side, which I like. But they're controlled by the Thalmors who are dicks (and whom I murder every time I meet one). They banned the worship of Talos because he was a human, so they may be racist too.

I'm leaning towards 2 but only so long as it doesn't interfere with my personal goal of wiping out the Thalmors.

Anyone picked a side yet?
From: MrTrent19 Nov 2011 21:30
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 216 of 773
I sided with the the Stormcloaks (although for the time being that's in name only as, although i've joined up and been accepted, i haven't done any of the missions yet). I thnk saying they're just racists who don't like elves isn't really fair. They want independence from an aging empire that's fucked them over and been forced by a foreign power to ban them from celebrating their ancient heritage and religion.
From: MrTrent19 Nov 2011 21:37
To: ALL217 of 773
Anyhoo, regarding armour. Deadric Armour requires Smithing skill of 90. Dragon Armour requires smithing skill of 100. Dragon Armour is not as good as Deadric Armour. Does this make sense to anyone?

I can't think why they'd make the light version of dragon armour better than glass armour, but leave the heavy armour variant as second best.

Although I probably would have stuck with my deadric armour anyway, as it looks way cooler and has matching weapons. The dragon armour does look a bit pants and having to still have my deadric greatsword strapped to my back would have made me look silly.
From: patch19 Nov 2011 21:53
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 218 of 773

Stormcloaks: yeah, they really don't like Elves. Mind you, no-one seems to. I feel oppressed. On the other hand, the "Join The Stormcloaks" mission has a bigger font in my journal, so maybe that's a hint.


Empire: You've met a Thalmor? Not sure I have. Smaller journal entry font, so maybe I should go with them. Underdogs, and all that.


Basically, I've got very little interest in either of them, this time round at least (already planning to make a full mage character, maybe even a Nord one to see if that changes how I'm spoken to). As far as I'm concerned, it's a squabble in a land I'm not from. Why should it involve me?

From: MrTrent19 Nov 2011 21:57
To: patch 219 of 773
You've met a Thalmor? Not sure I have.
You see the odd group of the fuckers walking about th wilderness from time to time. I always take great delight in telling them that i worship Talos and then i kill the fuck out of them. Dicks.

There's also a couple of them hanging aorund the Jarl's palace in Markath.
From: patch19 Nov 2011 22:10
To: MrTrent 220 of 773
Oh. I've met a couple of groups of Daedra hunters, and a few Stormcloak and Imperial patrols, but I'm not sure about Thalmors. Though I do seem to find quite a few bodies lieing around, presumably caused by the bear that I have to kill just so I can go and loot the corpses.
From: MrTrent19 Nov 2011 22:17
To: patch 221 of 773
I'm sure you'll come across some eventually. There's usually a couple of swordsmen in elven armour and a magey type.
From: af (CAER)20 Nov 2011 02:30
To: ALL222 of 773
I have been playing Skyrim /all day/.

Here is me:
From: af (CAER)20 Nov 2011 02:31
To: ALL223 of 773
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Nov 2011 02:38
To: af (CAER) 224 of 773
Can you take that again with a higher aperture?