Regular expression understanding

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)31 Oct 2011 16:11
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 20 of 57
I am also putting off performance reviews. God the tedium! :(
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 16:34
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 21 of 57

sigh, yes I know I wasn't paying attention where I chopped up the code and I was generalising broadly, :-(( sorry I wasn't up to PB standard, but I didn't have time to write a dissertation :-P


PS have you considered a career as a QSA ? :-)


I still stand by regexbuddy it does a nice job of validating regex against different regex flavours.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 16:45
To: Mizzy 22 of 57
Hey I assumed you were new but you know about PB and his standards. WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!!?

Also, if you are new, tea?
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)31 Oct 2011 16:49
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 23 of 57
(Registered: 20 Mar 2007)
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 16:52
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 24 of 57

I'm not new, I are extreme olds, I even remember teh pcf forum on delphi.


I also know your not called LUCY either Xen,


I'll only partake of tea if it's at least Assam and nice and strong.
otherwise you can keep your dishwater ;-)


Guessed who I am yet ????

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Oct 2011 16:57
To: Mizzy 25 of 57
A QSA job means I spend more of my time getting frustrated by badly written software than I already do.
At least with development, I get to try and fix the problem some of the time. :P

I've never bothered using any regex software, because I know what I'm doing so it'd just get in the way (and look hideous; dunno why people doing regex syntax highlighting pick such horrible colours schemes).

I'm sure RegexBuddy does do a good job with the different flavours, since it's written by the guy that runs (which has a comprehensive reference of what they each support), but being required to pay €30 for proprietary software isn't that great. :/

(I know there are free equivalents, but no idea how they actually compare.)
EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 16:58 by BOUGHTONP
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 17:02
To: Mizzy 26 of 57


Assam is an interesting choice. Too earthy and malty for me, I prefer the zesty zing of Ceylon and the like. A very respectable choice though.

I do not know who you are. Give us a clue!
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 17:07
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 27 of 57

But as a QSA you'd get to be picky all day and get paid lots and lots and lots I thought you'd like that.


At 3am when your seeing double a bit of syntax highlighting regardless of the colours makes life a lot easier, especially when your stuck with fixing a bitch of a SIEM collector plugin.


it is a bit steep but the others are an order of magnitude less helpful.










edit ------ heres that clue for Xen-------

EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 17:10 by MIZZY
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 17:19
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 28 of 57

I works in Security
I don't live south of London or north of Birmingham.


<natural paranoia>
can say any more teh fears they hurt
</natural paranoia>

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 17:25
To: Mizzy 29 of 57
Hmmm. Are you James Bond?
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 17:30
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 30 of 57

no Drew, I'm more likely to be moneypenny :-)


It is I, Marie.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 17:32
To: Mizzy 31 of 57

I remember you.

<pours a nice strong cup of assam>
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 17:37
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 32 of 57

<takes nice cup of assam>
ahhhhh, thank you.. you make good tea.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 17:40
To: Mizzy 33 of 57
Thank you.

And you make good... secure things.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Oct 2011 18:00
To: Mizzy 34 of 57
I don't like being picky. I just have standards, unlike 99.9% of the world. :(

Syntax highlighting would be nice at times, if it was integrated into the IDE I use. Not enough of a benefit to use a separate app for it though.
(And I will get it added to the IDE I use, one of these days.)
EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 18:01 by BOUGHTONP
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 18:00
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 35 of 57

Thank you :-), I do try to endeavour to make mostly insecure things slightly more secure than they were before I got there.


The easiest way I found is to break the fingers of all the users, they don't do it again for at least a couple of months.
That and the hospital bills are usually less than the cost of the equipment :-P

EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 18:09 by MIZZY
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 18:08
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 36 of 57

I know you have standards, very commendable they are too.


Oh I always thought you enjoyed correcting people (no John) if you don't thats very sad, life must be intolerable|frustrating|irritating for you.

EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 18:09 by MIZZY
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Oct 2011 18:11
To: Mizzy 37 of 57

:%s/\|/ and /


It is. :(

EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 18:11 by BOUGHTONP
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 18:14
To: Mizzy 38 of 57
Breaking fingers ey. I knew you were a spy!
From: Mizzy31 Oct 2011 21:40
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 39 of 57
Nah just a lowly commercial infosec consultant, I don't think I'd like the bureaucracy working for the public sector some of the commercial comps are bad enough.