Laptop beyond saving?

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)30 Oct 2011 20:52
To: Radio 8 of 87
Is it an Apple laptop? If not, the answer to the question in the thread title is 'NO...duh!'
From: ComtronBob31 Oct 2011 00:35
To: Radio 9 of 87

"Screen is completely dead, no BIOS, no beeps".

By "no BIOS" I assume you mean you can't get to the CMOS setup menu.  If that's the case, then "no BIOS, no beeps" usually means the CPU is toast.

Assuming you've tried Matt's suggestions, if it's still a no-go, see this post of mine on the PCmag board, for why the 4-second soft-off still works.  (Not to be pedantic, but it's always 4, not 5 seconds).

From: graphitone31 Oct 2011 11:04
To: ComtronBob 10 of 87

Dude, you need to reduce your font size. I have to sit another foot away from my screen to be able to read your posts comfortably.


I refuse to have my eyes exchanged for a different model when it's easier for you to make the setting changes. :C

From: ANT_THOMAS31 Oct 2011 11:08
To: graphitone 11 of 87
I didn't realise they were so big. I read them all on my phone and they're all resized to be the same!
From: graphitone31 Oct 2011 11:26
To: ANT_THOMAS 12 of 87

What browser are you using on the ol' phone there?


Admittedly I've not tried using anything other than Firefox to view the posts, so could be different in alternatives.

From: ComtronBob31 Oct 2011 11:34
To: graphitone 13 of 87

"Dude, you need to reduce your font size".


For my aging eyes it looks just fine.  However, most browsers have some type of font "normalizer" (probably more accurate to call it a "compressor") that forces larger fonts down, and smaller fonts up, to a preset size.  It's usually hidden somewhere with a title like "accessibility settings".


Barring that, you may notice near the bottom of the page a section labeled "Adjust text size".  I highly suggest you consider its use.


Suffice it to say, I have no intentions of altering my formatting, preset by Frontpage (in which my posts are composed) to 12 point, considered a "medium" font.

EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 12:10 by COMTRONBOB
From: ComtronBob31 Oct 2011 11:35
To: ANT_THOMAS 14 of 87

"...they're all resized to be the same!"


As I point out above, most browsers have some facility for doing just that.  On most phones it's enabled by default.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 12:21
To: ComtronBob 15 of 87
When someone sets their font size specifically, it breaks the user's ability to choose a font size comfortable for them (except for on some phones, which display all text at the same size).

As you've said yourself, Beehive allows us all to choose our preferred size for post fonts. Your approach means that everyone's post text is the same size, apart from yours, which is huge. Given that you're aware of the font size setting I highly suggest you consider using it rather than inflicting your enormo-font on everyone.

Your current approach is somewhat anti-social, especially given that you've implicitly acknowledged that it's both redundant and nonsensical.
EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 12:21 by X3N0PH0N
From: JonCooper31 Oct 2011 12:27
To: ComtronBob 16 of 87
quote: ComtronBob

Barring that, you may notice near the bottom of the page a section labeled "Adjust text size".  I highly suggest you consider its use.

but your formatting overrides that!
I have mine set to 10, used to be 8 but I got old, your fonts are bigger than anyone else's

aside from that, your posts are very helpful, kinda reminds me of how this place was 10 years ago (in a good way)
EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 12:28 by JONCOOPER
From: graphitone31 Oct 2011 12:46
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 17 of 87


You should patent that. :C
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Oct 2011 12:58
To: ComtronBob 18 of 87
What Lucy said. If we want yours and everyone elses fonts larger we will adjust them accordingly down at the bottom. I want everyone as the default (10).
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)31 Oct 2011 13:13
To: ComtronBob 19 of 87
quote: ComtronBob
Frontpage (in which my posts are composed)

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Oct 2011 13:15
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 20 of 87
I would've thought someone with as much tech knowledge would've had a better way of doing things!
From: ComtronBob31 Oct 2011 13:26
To: ALL21 of 87

Let me point out that I frequently post at four other stateside Beehive forums, and no one has ever complained.


"but your formatting overrides that!"


It shouldn't.  I think that's either a bug, or a setting in Beehive that Matt has applied, forcing that override.  (Maybe something in one of the CSSs is affecting things).


Matt, what say you?


Because, as best I can tell, it's not working that way at any of the stateside Beehive forums I frequent.


I just did a quick sanity check of my posts at some of those stateside forums, and I see only a slight difference in font size with IE, and a slightly exaggerated difference with Opera and Firefox.


But here, at Teh forum, there's a slightly greater difference with IE, but a HUGE difference with Firefox!  (Opera was somewhere in the middle).  So something here is screwing with the relative font sizes.


In any case, as a test, for this post, I have set the size attribute to "undefined".  Which should let Teh forum's default settings control things.


Before I create a separate Frontpage template just for Teh forum, let me hear from several of you, as to what you're seeing.

From: ANT_THOMAS31 Oct 2011 13:31
To: ComtronBob 22 of 87
Normal font sizes now in Chrome on Windows 7.
From: ComtronBob31 Oct 2011 13:32
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 23 of 87

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that".


Don't be.  For what I'm doing, 99% of the time, Frontpage works just fine.

From: ANT_THOMAS31 Oct 2011 13:33
To: graphitone 24 of 87
Dolphin Browser HD.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Oct 2011 13:42
To: ComtronBob 25 of 87
You are a gentleman/lady! Thank you.

(Chromium on Linux here, it's fine now)
From: Radio31 Oct 2011 13:54
To: ComtronBob 26 of 87

Looks fine on here now you've made that change (IE9).
Out of curiosity, what's wrong with the Message box for composing replies? What do you gain by switching to an entirely different application, writing out your post, copying, switching back again, and pasting?
I could maybe understand if it was for something specialised, but you imply that it's for every post.

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)31 Oct 2011 15:20
To: ComtronBob 27 of 87
Oh, don't get me wrong, I have used Frontpage myself. But it was a long time ago. All I remember is the pain. But, then again, I was trying to use it to make websites, not creating a post that can be done easily enough in the message dialogue box.
EDITED: 31 Oct 2011 15:21 by MR_BASTARD