Fuckin Gypsys

From: Mouse12 Oct 2011 23:10
To: mr_swayzee 4 of 15



They we're probably smackheads not gypsies though.

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)12 Oct 2011 23:17
To: mr_swayzee 5 of 15
Peter, you've been suspiciously quiet, where the fuck were you? I could see how you'd be mistaken for a gypsy with that hair.
From: patch12 Oct 2011 23:19
To: mr_swayzee 6 of 15




From: mr_swayzee12 Oct 2011 23:33
To: ALL7 of 15

Ant: thanks

Lucy: thanks

Mouse: thanks, they could be gypsy smackheads!

Patch: thanks, but keep your hands to yourself!

From: dyl12 Oct 2011 23:41
To: mr_swayzee 8 of 15
From: mr_swayzee12 Oct 2011 23:51
To: dyl 9 of 15

That is EXACTLY what I thought.

great minds 'n all that.

As you can imagine Jo is not the best person to 'just chalk it up to experience and move on' about things like this so I'm expecting quite a stressy few days.

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)13 Oct 2011 00:22
To: mr_swayzee 10 of 15
Feck... (hugs)
From: dyl13 Oct 2011 10:56
To: mr_swayzee 11 of 15
Indeed. I can't imagine her ever relaxing again.
From: Kriv14 Oct 2011 00:44
To: mr_swayzee 12 of 15

But you are so prejudice accusing the Gypsies. Everyone knows its the Blacks that commit crime.
Any idiot that doesn't understand this is humour deserves to be subjected to an endless loop of Lee Nelson "comedy".
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Oct 2011 01:56
To: Kriv 13 of 15
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)14 Oct 2011 03:09
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 14 of 15
That's funny shit!
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)14 Oct 2011 15:30
To: mr_swayzee 15 of 15

Fucking Fuck


<man hig>