Linux.. Grr

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Oct 2011 00:46
To: koswix 20 of 23
And everyone else.
From: koswix20 Oct 2011 01:08
Yes, I must stop using people.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Oct 2011 01:15
To: koswix 22 of 23
From: fixrman26 Oct 2011 13:07
To: koswix 23 of 23

OK, but I have found the opposite. I have used Linux since about 2004, starting with Knoppix. My first install was Mint Bianca and have been with Mint ever since.


The biggest issue for me was always printing, because all I ever had was a stupid Winprinter. I got my Brother printer to fairly work by fiddling with drivers for hours upon end, but that all came to a halt (the printer fiddling anyway) when I bought a real printer, a Xerox Phaser.