Nexus S Android 2.3.6 update

From: Mouse 2 Oct 2011 02:44
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 of 20
Seems to do. I think they rolled out that previous update to just a few, it was borky and they stopped it.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Oct 2011 15:49
To: Mouse 5 of 20
I was about to come here and kill you. :@

I installed the update earlier, because the phone was screwing about, kept locking up, and was impossible to turn off; so I figured the update would force a restart. Which it didn't. I ended up having to take the battery out. Hooray for software buttons! :@

Anyway, when I turned on wifi tethering and tried to connect just now, it didn't work. Turns out the update renames the connection to "AndroidAP" and resets the password to random hex characters. Grrrr!

Fortunately, renaming the connection back again and correcting the password saved you from certain death.
From: Mouse10 Oct 2011 16:17
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 of 20

Eh? How odd. Hadn't changed the name if my connection from Android AP but it definitely didn't change my password.


This wouldn't be an unnecessary beef would it?

From: Mouse10 Oct 2011 16:18
To: Mouse 7 of 20
Oh no, I'm wrong. It did change my password. What an odd thing to happen.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Oct 2011 16:25
To: Mouse 8 of 20
It also reset my background to the stupid ugly default whizzy thing, but I think that was the screwing about beforehand, not the update itself.

Also, why the fuck can't I plot a route based on predicted traffic conditions in 45 minutes. Damned thing wants to send me south east just because south has bad traffic now (but then it probably will be worse by then), but stupid Google Maps website is giving me choice of south, west, or south west, because it's ignoring all traffic information, so I don't know if going south west is stupid or if it's going to be fastest route, given that it's the most direct to where I want to go, and going south east adds at least three miles on (seems like far more than three, but that's what it says). :S

I feel like I've got a Windows CE phone at the moment. :'(
From: Matt10 Oct 2011 16:39
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 of 20
Nothing wrong with Windows CE back in 2002
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Oct 2011 17:27
To: Matt 10 of 20
Except for being ten years old, not always responsive, and not so heavy on features.

(certainly did a lot more than credited with, now iphone/android came along and pretended to invent smartphones though)
From: Mouse10 Oct 2011 19:29
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 11 of 20

I wonder if there was a bug that allowed apps to figure out your local wireless password, so they just changed everyone's and plugged the hole.


Google Maps is wrong occasionally but it's mostly correct and as someone with a disability when it comes to geography it's a life saver for me.


Report the mistake to them.

From: ANT_THOMAS10 Oct 2011 19:44
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 12 of 20
Have you checked for the alternative routes too?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Oct 2011 23:07
To: ANT_THOMAS 13 of 20

Alternatives on what? Google Navigation had two, Google Maps website had three.


By the time I left, things had changed anyhow, and both were similar times (only common part had traffic), and even though I asked for the 'scenic' route, stupid thing ignored me and sent me boring way.

EDITED: 10 Oct 2011 23:10 by BOUGHTONP
From: ANT_THOMAS10 Oct 2011 23:21
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 14 of 20
On navigation. It tends to give me two alternatives so three routes in total.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Oct 2011 23:44
To: ANT_THOMAS 15 of 20
Oh, no - it only gave me one alternative (which I tried to select and it ignored me).

I'm not sure how much people care, but for the sake of clarity in case anyone does...

Google Maps gives me three out of four possible routes - with the choice of which ones changing for no obvious reasons (if I move the start position just a few feet, it may or not switch between SW and W options)

Those routes being:
S = A23/M23 -> M25 J7 -> J10 / A3 Southbound (32.5 miles, 50 mins)
SE = A22 -> M25 J6 -> J10 / A3 Southbound (35.8 miles, 55 mins)
SW = B2032/A217 -> M25 J8 -> J10 / A3 Southbound (32.3 miles, 57 mins)
W = A232 -> A240 -> A3 Soundbound (28.3 miles, 57 minutes)

Google Navigation gave me S and SE initially, then I got in the car and it gave me S and SW, but when trying to select SW it still made me go S.

On the way back, it gave me choice of reversed equivalents of W or S routes, claiming they were both about the same time.

In both directions, the W route is horrible, since it involves lots of traffic lights and relatively narrow high street roads through Sutton/Carshalton/Waddon, so no idea why it's shown as an option (it doesn't involve motorways, but I haven't ticked the "avoid highways" option, and even if I do I get given three entirely different routes - I guess A3 is considered a highway (is a three-lane dual-carriageway with national speedlimit).

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Oct 2011 23:50
To: Mouse 16 of 20
I'm not really sure what mistake I'd report? That Maps / Navigation give conflicting primary routes?

But that's less a mistake and more that they haven't bothered to implement traffic awareness into the Maps route selection thing, so would be a feature request (as would the advanced traffic awareness thing).

So they'd no doubt just decide to ignore me. :(
From: Mouse11 Oct 2011 08:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 17 of 20

They should incorporate traffic awareness, maybe they're not that confident in it yet.


They're fairly quick at fixing place names and locations after a report.

From: ANT_THOMAS11 Oct 2011 08:22
To: Mouse 18 of 20
They oddly updating streetview right outside my house recently. A few images down the road and it's 2009 and up the other end it's 2011. No idea why they didn't do the whole road, the old photos are pretty dark and grim, which to be honest is more representative of the weather round here!
From: Mouse11 Oct 2011 08:37
To: ANT_THOMAS 19 of 20
They probably wont be collecting payload data from open wifi spots this time though.
From: ANT_THOMAS11 Oct 2011 08:43
To: Mouse 20 of 20
Ha, and there's a few round here.