GApps for Bizness

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)29 Sep 2011 12:07
To: ALL1 of 5

I believe Mousington uses these - not sure if anyone else does. Any really useful tips / "hey you can do this really cool thing!" / etc I might want to be aware of please?


I'm working with someone to evaluate it all, and if they're happy then we'll do a migration at some stage. They're currently using their (with the Rackspace Outlook services etc... expensive!), and have purchased for the GApps evaluation.


I've already verified the domain, made MX changes, added an SPF record and added a DKIM record so that's all good and working so far.. Have also changed the webmail address to instead of the usual ( which is a pain).


Thank you!

From: Mouse29 Sep 2011 19:21
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 2 of 5
I use it but haven't really fiddled with it much. Rarely need to go into the dashboard, it all just works really.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)30 Sep 2011 08:14
To: Mouse 3 of 5

That's just the kind of endorsement I need :D


I'm wondering if they have any funky, genuinely useful apps - like a proper wiki, ticketing systems, etc.

From: Matt30 Sep 2011 11:25
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 4 of 5
We're in the process of moving to GAppsfo'bidnezz here, but I'm not doing it so I can't tell you how well it's going. All I know is that my email address hasn't been moved over yet.
From: Mouse30 Sep 2011 14:06
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 5 of 5
There's plenty of stuff in there. Oh, reet do use Sites for an "Intranet" system at a very basic level.