Mac Wireless Woe

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Sep 2011 14:37
To: Voltane 2 of 7
Buy a PC :P
From: Voltane16 Sep 2011 15:08
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 3 of 7

We have some PCs, but the kids and the boss want to use Macs - something about 'they just work'. :D


Been sending emails back and forth with tech support and i'm left with the impression that i'll be sending the aerial back next week. :/

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Sep 2011 15:37
To: Voltane 4 of 7
Have you tried turning it off and walking away?
From: Voltane16 Sep 2011 16:31
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 5 of 7
For now i'm leaving it turned on (nJ) and moving on to the next problem at a leisurely pace until 5pm. I'll return on Monday either refreshed with new ideas or ready to chuck the the towel in and admit we'll have to get different gear.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)20 Sep 2011 10:37
To: Voltane 6 of 7
From: Voltane20 Sep 2011 11:09
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 7 of 7

It's being sent back.
Managed to do the same thing using a wireless-n router placed in the nearest office.


Emails went back and forth to the manufacturer and they haven't responded to the last one I sent giving them info they wanted.
Did manage to get one Mac on by turning off Airport and installing a usb wireless dongle but we couldn't do that for everyone.


Using the wireless-n router will work out cheaper too - just would have been cool to have the outdoor point. :(