Mac Wireless Woe

From: Voltane15 Sep 2011 12:43
To: ALL1 of 7

We've just got in a new wireless access point to go outside the building to give access to a smaller building we can't lay cables to.
It's a TP-Link TL-WA5210G.


Setting up was quite easy and can use it to access the internet from my phone and the windows XP laptops we have around here.


But we can't access it from the Macbooks some of us have. All that happens is it says it's connecting and then a connection timeout message - even when they are sitting next to each other.


Their website says it supports Mac OS, and being a wireless point I can't see why the Macs would be singled out for a problem.


I turned off all security and it still wouldn't connect. Tried giving the mac a static ip to see if that helped but it did not.


I'm going to relay all this to them and see if they have a solution but wondered if anyone here had found a similar problem with wireless?

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Sep 2011 14:37
To: Voltane 2 of 7
Buy a PC :P
From: Voltane16 Sep 2011 15:08
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 3 of 7

We have some PCs, but the kids and the boss want to use Macs - something about 'they just work'. :D


Been sending emails back and forth with tech support and i'm left with the impression that i'll be sending the aerial back next week. :/

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Sep 2011 15:37
To: Voltane 4 of 7
Have you tried turning it off and walking away?
From: Voltane16 Sep 2011 16:31
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 5 of 7
For now i'm leaving it turned on (nJ) and moving on to the next problem at a leisurely pace until 5pm. I'll return on Monday either refreshed with new ideas or ready to chuck the the towel in and admit we'll have to get different gear.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)20 Sep 2011 10:37
To: Voltane 6 of 7
From: Voltane20 Sep 2011 11:09
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 7 of 7

It's being sent back.
Managed to do the same thing using a wireless-n router placed in the nearest office.


Emails went back and forth to the manufacturer and they haven't responded to the last one I sent giving them info they wanted.
Did manage to get one Mac on by turning off Airport and installing a usb wireless dongle but we couldn't do that for everyone.


Using the wireless-n router will work out cheaper too - just would have been cool to have the outdoor point. :(