Tinkering with wordpress

From: Manthorp 8 Sep 2011 16:34
To: ALL1 of 1
I'm currently putting together a website in Wordpress with Mingle and the Mingle Directory mod for an arts organisation. I want to include the value of a custom field I've created in the profile page, "Area of Creative Practice", into the Directory page.

The attached image is from the directory page.

The relevant SQL table is wp_mngl_custom_field_values:

id field_id user_id value created_at
1 1 1 Media arts 2011-08-21 13:08:56
3 3 1 Digital Arts 2011-09-08 09:41:06

Where my id is 1.

And the relevant line from Directory.php is:


<?php _e('Website', 'mingle'); ?>: <?php echo make_clickable($profile->url); ?>

<?php _e('Area of Creative Practice', 'mingle'); ?>: <?php echo wptexturize($profile->wp_mngl_custom_field_values); ?>

<?php _e('PM', 'mingle'); ?>:<a href="/../profile/inbox/?u=<?php echo $profile->id ?>"> Send a message to <?php echo "{$full_name}"; ?>

Where presumably the instruction should go. What I've written certainly doesn't do the job.

Can any kind soul help?
EDITED: 8 Sep 2011 16:34 by MANTHORP