Playing with traffic (web)

From: JDub 9 Aug 2011 19:35
To: ALL1 of 3

Not sure if I found this here originally but I figured I'd post it before getting it off the desktop:


It outlines how to set up your router to hijack web traffic to blur, flip and convert images to ASCII - among other things.

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)10 Aug 2011 08:35
To: JDub 2 of 3
I remember seeing that hack a while ago - awesome fun :D
From: PNCOOL10 Aug 2011 13:01
To: JDub 3 of 3

A friend and I once decided to convert an entire site of ours into ASCII art. We thought we'd do it for people on slower connections that couldn't wait for all of the pictures to load.


It looked great, but it turns out you needed a much better connection for the ASCII art than you did for the real site with photos/images etc.