Tottenham - what gives?

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 9 Aug 2011 14:04
To: ANT_THOMAS 119 of 298

"it's the government's fault, yeah, dunno"



From: koswix 9 Aug 2011 14:05
To: ANT_THOMAS 120 of 298
Class war!
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 9 Aug 2011 14:08
To: koswix 121 of 298
They wanna riot, a riot of their own.

(but they didn't seem to be too sure as to what the govt. was...must've been overcome with the alcohol emotion)
From: steve 9 Aug 2011 14:09
To: ALL122 of 298
A mob has gathered in Bournemouth and Mcdonalds has been closed! :O

I'm at a friend's house this evening, I shall drive through town on the way home to make sure it's not on fire before I park up and walk to my flat! >.<
From: ANT_THOMAS 9 Aug 2011 14:10
To: steve 123 of 298
I'm still living in hope that the people of Manchester will have at least some sense.
From: koswix 9 Aug 2011 14:15
To: ALL124 of 298
At least this old woman has got the right idea:

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 9 Aug 2011 14:30
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 125 of 298
^ that... Yeah of course that might not be all the participants' point of view, but still, it doesn't show them in a relatively good light, does it?
From: steve 9 Aug 2011 15:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 126 of 298
I was going into town anyway for coffee with my friend, she worked opposite Mcdonalds and nothing at all.

Massive atmosphere in town though: a metal bin fell off a lorry and the entire street 'jumped' and went silent. Everybody is talking about it. I can kind of see how the social media rumours can be massively unhelpful, there was no riot in town (nothing major, just kids gathering and shouting and a few police getting them away) but Twitter and Facebook are both full of 'Bournemouth riots!' now which can't help the situation.
From: ANT_THOMAS 9 Aug 2011 15:57
To: steve 127 of 298
Same with Manchester now, seems there's a #ManchesterRiots hashtag doing the rounds, not helpful at all. Though GMPolice are on twitter giving the facts it seems.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Aug 2011 16:37
To: steve 128 of 298
Yeah, been trying to sift through stuff and it's a pain. Some people say stuff, then others say "no I've just been there it's fine".

There's been rumours of stuff happening near enough me to be worried, but only thing confirmed is a bike store and Richer Sounds store both being looted last night - everything today is just a rumour.

I'll be perfectly safe if I stay where I am - residential area not on the main road nor too near shops - but at some point I need to go out for food. :/
Except for rumours that shops are all shut, so it probably makes sense to just go visit my family a few days earlier than I was already planning to.

Except that requires going through Purley, and Twitter is saying:

I heard it's kicking off in Purley is this true??
3 minutes ago

@DapperDan I got home safe and sound!! No problem but shops are shut on Purley high street just as a precaution.
8 minutes ago

Tesco Purley has NOT been looted. Closed as a precaution
9 minutes ago

All the shops, petrol stations and restaurants in Purley were closed and shuttered at 3.30pm. Not a good sign.
15 minutes ago

Bare traffic in purley
21 minutes ago

I don't want to go sit in traffic if things are going to kick off down there. :/

But it probably is just precautions and rumours, and normal afternoon traffic (it's always busy there).
EDITED: 9 Aug 2011 16:39 by BOUGHTONP
From: steve 9 Aug 2011 17:56
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 129 of 298
Two riot vans outside my flat (I'm right on the highstreet above shops, joy). I can't see anything happening in Bournemouth tonight but there's police all over the place and everybody is very tense.

I'm supposed to be out tonight, I'm debating staying in to avoid the possible awfulness of getting through town on foot (you can't park on the highstreet so have to find back roads and walk) if things are bad. If I stay in - I'll be worried, if I go to my friend's house as planned - I'll be worried for my ratties!
From: koswix 9 Aug 2011 17:58
To: steve 130 of 298

1. Go to and top up your contents insurance.


2. Pack valuables that can't be replaced + ratties into a bag


3. go to friends house


4. relax and drink lots.


5. ???


6. Profit!

From: milko 9 Aug 2011 18:04
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 131 of 298
I don't know if you're looking deep enough into what Xen's saying. How do you think they got to be like that, and why? (and what can be done about it). Again, it's not to justify/excuse anything, it's to try and understand so that maybe things can be changed. Knee-jerk lock 'em all up type reactions are the sort of thing people say but doesn't that lead down a road to human rights on a par with China?
From: steve 9 Aug 2011 18:09
To: koswix 132 of 298
My business insurance covers all expensive things. The ratties will not like being in their travel-house as it is about the size of them (it's for going to the vet). I'm just going to keep an eye on things and come back home not too late, I have friends within a few minutes walk where I can crash if things do happen. I really don't think they will though, Bournemouth is very placid.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Aug 2011 18:12
To: steve 133 of 298
Everything I've seen suggests the stuff outside London areas has been squashed before it's really begun.

Guess it depends if you have lots of poor estranged people who hate the cops, or just a bunch of kids who want to say they were part of something.
From: steve 9 Aug 2011 18:17
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 134 of 298
Bournemouth itself is full of young people but everybody is very nice, the seaside makes everybody happy. There are some really rough estates around it though, some that the buses don't go to anymore and the royal mail won't deliver too - but even those aren't very bad. Although M&S in Boscombe (little-part-of-Bournemouth) has been smash-er-ed.

The job centre in Southampton was nearly set on fire today!

I need to go on a big long walk to collect my car now, as I went to an impromptu party at the weekend had to leave my car there, fail. I will witter excitedly/terrified later if shit goes down :Y
From: steve 9 Aug 2011 18:18
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 135 of 298
Ah, our police are now on Twitter dispelling rumours. That is good!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Aug 2011 18:35
To: steve 136 of 298
It must be nice to have semi-competent police. :S
From: spinning_plates 9 Aug 2011 18:48
To: koswix 137 of 298
Riots don't just happen for a laugh, people have to be completely fucking mental about something to start rioting like this,.and i reckon ken is a lot.closer to the reasons why than anyone else I've seen on the news talking about it.

What the fuck do I know, but I would tend to agree with your assessment there.
From: ANT_THOMAS 9 Aug 2011 19:32
To: ALL138 of 298
Shit is on fire in Manchester. FUCKING CUNTS.