Email attachments

From: graphitone12 Jul 2011 10:47
To: ALL1 of 5

A strange little problem's come to light over the past few weeks - We upgraded to exchange 2010 around Christmas time and most things have been fine, but recently we've had some users complaining that email attachments aren't sending as they should. It's only happening to a handful of people and not consistently either. When it goes wrong a user is sending an email to multiple recipients, but the attachment doesn't go to everyone, usually just one person. Had a situation this morning where a partner sent his secretary an attachment as well as sending the mail to an external account - the attachment made it out, but not to the secretary he'd CC'd in. He then sent the attachment to her without any other recipients and it worked fine.


I've tried replicating this, sending emails to my hotmail account, CC'ing my internal email address in and vice versa and the attachments come through fine. :/


Users are either on Outlook 2000 or 2003 - could this be some incompatibility between Ex2010 and the earlier client versions?


Not sure if this issue only happens when recipients are CC'd or if they're included in the 'to' field as well.


Any of Teh Hive mind got any ideas?


Ta muchly!

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)12 Jul 2011 13:02
To: graphitone 2 of 5
There are definitely issues with 2010 and Office 2003. I've fought the "Operation Failed" errors since upgrading. I've since started moving everyone to Office 2010. Kicking and screaming mind you, but fuck them!
From: graphitone12 Jul 2011 13:16
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 3 of 5

That's our project path too, a little later in the year. I'm hoping once everything's up to date these weird problems are going to be solved during the upgrade.


We're going to have a lot of complaints from a minority of people who don't like change - but like you so eloquently put it - fuck 'em. How much are the licenses setting you back for your place?

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)12 Jul 2011 13:23
To: graphitone 4 of 5
That has to be my attitude. There are people here so resistant to change it's crazy. I understand it, but in IT there isn't anything you can do about it!

I use my MSDN licenses for Office 2010. And I have a TS/Remote app environment so it's not as bad as it could be.

But here is the cheapest place I've found for licenses. I've bought Exchange and Terminal Server licenses from them.

Hmm, the linking thingy isn't working? Oh, for some reason my browser isn't updated... sorted it now!
EDITED: 12 Jul 2011 13:25 by SHIELDSIT
From: graphitone12 Jul 2011 13:45
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 of 5
Cool, I'll check that out, thanks. :)