Buggered up PC

From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 4 Jul 2011 11:09
To: koswix 35 of 43

It's in the current iteration of Ubuntu. I preferred StarOffice in the older distros to be honest, but then again I tend to use MS Office for all that guff anyway (dual boot).

I'm sure it's lovely.

From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 4 Jul 2011 11:15
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 36 of 43

Ack, I had to help my Dad remove one of those fake antivirus/antispyware programs a few months back from his office PC (he's a one man business renting a single office room). It was a feckin' nightmare. He's still running XP which is fine and dandy as he's got some ancient software that he doesn't want to risk on a newer operating system. In the end I used something called BartPE to kill it off. I used this a lot when I was doing my own "business" a few years back supporting comuters and networks in the local area and it's a life saver. Bit fiddly to get a good copy working but bloody handy too.

Not sure whether there's a version that'll work for Windows Vista/7 so it might be in the obolete bin a little bit these days, but perfect for the XP machines still hanging around.

Next time he kills his PC though, I'm going to tell him it's broken and he needs a new one. He's been saying he'll get a new PC for two years. Just worried about the funny little tools he uses...

From: arq (ARQUETURUS)12 Jul 2011 13:50
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 37 of 43

This sounds like me and my father in law.


He fills his PC up with shit over the space of a year or 2 then I fix it. He's had variants of the XP Antispyware 2008 twice now. I've set Malwarebytes to run at startup but he still manages to get it.


Last time getting rid of of XP Antispyware 2008 did so much damage I ended up flattening the system and re-installing it.


I hate being family tech support :(

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)12 Jul 2011 14:40
To: arq (ARQUETURUS) 38 of 43
Sometimes the only thing you can do is wipe it and start fresh. The nasties are getting nastier!
From: Voltane12 Jul 2011 15:43
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 39 of 43
Sometimes the only thing you can do is wipe it and start fresh.

The family or the PC?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)12 Jul 2011 15:47
To: Voltane 40 of 43
I refuse to answer that!
From: arq (ARQUETURUS)12 Jul 2011 20:32
To: Voltane 41 of 43

This had never occured to me..


why not?

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)12 Jul 2011 21:50
To: arq (ARQUETURUS) 42 of 43
You could just generally broadcast to the family, apropos nothing, that certain malware is associated with searching for pr0n. He might stop then.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)12 Jul 2011 21:51
To: arq (ARQUETURUS) 43 of 43
Or get him onto Linux.