Right, who wants some chocolate sending?

From: fixrman15 Oct 2015 11:30
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 649 of 661
Interestingly, it seems, many folks who drink "kopi luwak" are actually full of shit.
An investigation by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia found fraud to be rife in the kopi luwak industry, with producers willing to label coffee from caged civets with a "wild sourced" or similar label.[10] A BBC investigation revealed similar findings
From: Matt15 Oct 2015 13:04
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 650 of 661
I really should add something to that vote functionality, shouldn't I?

I think the original intention was to steal Eurogamer's implementation and allow you to automatically ignore people or posts (maybe both) with a low enough score.
From: graphitone15 Oct 2015 16:26
To: ALL651 of 661
Aside from the sickly American variety, what does everyone like to eat when it comes to chocolate.

I had some of the Lindt 90% cocoa solids the other day, and mighty nice it was too.

I'm not a fan of the Green and Blacks high 80s percent stuff, it had a manufactured taste to it.
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Oct 2015 16:50
To: graphitone 652 of 661
I had a double decker today, it was good.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Oct 2015 17:22
To: ANT_THOMAS 653 of 661
That's what Godzilla said!
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Oct 2015 17:26
To: graphitone 654 of 661
Not a fan of lindt. There's a generic supermarket brand here, "President's Choice" (no, not POTUS), that does these really big chocolate bars that are pretty decent for the money. Prices have about doubled in the last 6-months though. Otherwise I like rubbish like Reese's (which I think is a Hershey product, but at least it's cut with peanut butter). Cadbury's are generally good, but pricey.

EDITED: 15 Oct 2015 17:28 by DSMITHHFX
From: koswix15 Oct 2015 19:21
To: graphitone 655 of 661
Don't see what the problem is with Cadbury's.
From: graphitone15 Oct 2015 20:16
To: koswix ANT_THOMAS 656 of 661
Nothing at all, from the cheaper end of the scale Cadbury's is fine, I like just plain dairy milks best out of their lot. I don't like caramel in chocolate, though fruit and nut is good.

The biscuit and raisin Yorkies are my favourite bar at the minute, mainly 'cos the work vending machine is holding a stock of them and you can get a twofer.

But I really like the dark rich stuff at the moment.

Ant - I was having a talk with my boss the other day and he said that he's partial to a double decker, but only when they're fresh and the mallow layer's soft. I don't think I've had one where it's been anything other than chewy and ended in a sticky mess. How would you even be able to tell if it's a fresh bar?!
From: graphitone15 Oct 2015 20:17
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 657 of 661
What's the weight on those bars?
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Oct 2015 20:46
To: graphitone 658 of 661
I get mine from the work charity tuck shop, so could be a few weeks old.

The building is warm so it was nicely soft but not too sticky. I have had many a double decker in the past where the normally soft layer is hard and brittle.
From: graphitone16 Oct 2015 08:24
To: ANT_THOMAS 659 of 661
Perhaps there's some experimenting to be done with hard and brittle double deckers and a microwave.

From: Chris (CHRISSS)16 Oct 2015 23:50
To: ALL660 of 661
Double Deckers are good. Fruit and Nut Cadbury's is pretty awesome. Mmm. I don't like Cadbury's Caramel chocolates, preter Galaxy for Caramel, and any other Galaxy choccies.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)23 Oct 2015 11:52
To: ANT_THOMAS 661 of 661
Says the man who eats blood ass pudding! And those God awful hairy pig ears!

You're such a snob, and wrong!  >-)
EDITED: 23 Oct 2015 11:56 by SHIELDSIT