Right, who wants some chocolate sending?

From: steve21 Aug 2011 02:46
To: Mouse 524 of 661
Let me know if you need my address (awh) It are on my facebook too! (kiss)
From: Mouse21 Aug 2011 09:29
To: steve 525 of 661
PM me it anyway so I have a workflow :Y
From: Mouse22 Aug 2011 13:19
To: PNCOOL 526 of 661
From: Mouse22 Aug 2011 13:19
To: steve 527 of 661
From: PNCOOL22 Aug 2011 15:25
To: Mouse 528 of 661
From: steve25 Aug 2011 18:20
To: ALL529 of 661
I have made my video and am slowly uploading it. I fear it is a strange video because I am in it. :C
From: steve25 Aug 2011 18:49
To: ALL530 of 661

From: Matt25 Aug 2011 18:52
To: steve 531 of 661
Best. Facial. Expressions. Ever.
From: steve25 Aug 2011 18:54
To: Matt 532 of 661
I've just noticed how many strange "ooh" noises I make :$
From: graphitone25 Aug 2011 19:46
To: steve 533 of 661

You didn't tell us what the not christmas tree chocolate aftertaste tasted like.


Also, I expected you to have painted your nails for this video. Not sure why. :|

From: steve25 Aug 2011 21:01
To: graphitone 534 of 661
It was just a little bit chemically. Were weird, I think it was just in place or where I expected "creamy" to be :$
From: graphitone25 Aug 2011 21:15
To: steve 535 of 661

Did it taste a little like sick? Other peeps have had that sort o' sensation going on.


I find Cadbury's chocolate to be more creamy than Galaxy. Galaxy's are a little more grittish. I wonder if the Dove follows suit?


There, my hat is now in the chocolate debating ring. :C

From: steve25 Aug 2011 21:18
To: graphitone 536 of 661
It was a bit sicky tasting yes! Suprising!

I felt the Dove had similar qualities to Galaxy (I like galaxy!) but I could taste the lack of milky-creamy-goodness.
From: graphitone25 Aug 2011 21:49
To: steve 537 of 661

Chocolate without milky creamy goodness sounds bland. :-/


The Hershey bar I had was nice and creamy, but that could be because it was white chocolate.

From: Mouse25 Aug 2011 23:24
To: steve 538 of 661

Fine work :D


It is a bit like Xmas tree chocolate. That after taste is sick by the way.

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)25 Aug 2011 23:28
To: Mouse 539 of 661
Are you talking about the dove?
From: steve26 Aug 2011 01:09
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 540 of 661
I liked the Dove, it was just strange, the Hersheys was not good though!
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)26 Aug 2011 06:37
To: Mouse 541 of 661
Did Ken send us a broken lot of Hersheys? :C
From: Mouse26 Aug 2011 07:56
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 542 of 661
No the Hershey's.
From: Mouse26 Aug 2011 07:57
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 543 of 661
A broken lot? There's just a bit of them two things Steve tasted now.