Right, who wants some chocolate sending?

From: Mouse10 Aug 2011 23:06
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 494 of 661

I still have a few bits and bats left. Did you see how much Ken sent in my video?


Anyway, we still have videos left unbroadcast. Would it be better if a few people in a hangout were able to taste the chocolate?

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Aug 2011 23:28
To: Mouse 495 of 661
Hangouts aren't recordable?

We need proper recorded videos (without interruptions from nine other weirdos). :P
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)11 Aug 2011 00:33
To: Mouse 496 of 661
Send abuse and chocolate spit, or whatever it was you promised. Or tell them to send it the eff back, lazy sods.
From: Richy (GAJIT)15 Aug 2011 23:24
To: ALL497 of 661

Sorry. Life gets in the way of these things. We've not had a free weekend since July, and I don't think we have another one until October now, or something proposterous like that.

Bank Holiday weekend we have 4 days. We're busy, but not with normal life or other people, so no promises, but we might be able to do something then.

Man, any video involving me is going to be a complete anti-climax after all this time :-/

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Aug 2011 00:29
To: Richy (GAJIT) 498 of 661
"Free weekend"!? What the fuck do you need a free weekend for!?

In the time it took you to write that post, you could have started recording, munched some chocolate, and given your opinion.
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)16 Aug 2011 18:22
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 499 of 661
From: Richy (GAJIT)16 Aug 2011 21:14
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 500 of 661

My mother always told me not to eat chocolate after I'd brushed my teeth. And Gemma was asleep. So overall that would have been a dull video.

Meh, we need a free weekend because we're both usually too knackered of an evening to put the effort into getting a camera out and shooting a video (no, John)

And she's out tonight, before you suggest we could be doing it now

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Aug 2011 22:54
To: Richy (GAJIT) 501 of 661
There's no law against brushing your teeth multiple times.

Get the video out in the morning, then you can't use the lame 'knackered' excuse in the evening.

Alternatively, what time does she get back? You can plan a surprise eating for her. Women love surprises.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)16 Aug 2011 22:57
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 502 of 661
AND they love doing it on camera!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Aug 2011 23:08
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 503 of 661
Especially with horses.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)16 Aug 2011 23:13
To: Richy (GAJIT) 504 of 661

When I did my video, I hadn't slept for a week, and had spent most of that time with an electric toothbrush pressed against my gums, trying to get clean. After the Hershey Bar, I didn't sleep for a month and spent three weeks not sleeping, and I burnt out eight electric toothbrushes trying to get rid of the taste.


Only five went in my mouth.

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)16 Aug 2011 23:32
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 505 of 661
Haha liar.
From: Mouse17 Aug 2011 01:04
To: PNCOOL 506 of 661

I didn't send any more :( Sorry, busy month. I shall try and remember to send more soon.



From: steve17 Aug 2011 14:27
To: Mouse 507 of 661
If you have any left over could I please join in? I would like to make a video and would make it very promptly :C I already make fantastic videos for the Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/stevierar :C
EDITED: 17 Aug 2011 14:28 by STEVE
From: Richy (GAJIT)17 Aug 2011 22:40
To: ALL508 of 661
From: Mouse17 Aug 2011 22:59
To: steve 509 of 661
But yes. I'll wang some in the post.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Aug 2011 23:37
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 510 of 661
Is this true?
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Aug 2011 00:04
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 511 of 661
I think it is.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)18 Aug 2011 00:07
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 512 of 661
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Aug 2011 00:19
To: ALL513 of 661
EDITED: 18 Aug 2011 00:22 by BOUGHTONP