Right, who wants some chocolate sending?

From: koswix 8 Jul 2011 12:46
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 367 of 661

The stuff in the Crunchie is puff candy (at least that's what it's called up here).


You can make it at home dead easy, too!



From: Mouse 8 Jul 2011 13:20
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 368 of 661

Ahhhahaha! Can't believe your dog wouldn't even eat it. Sometimes you get lucky with pork scratchings and get a nipple.


I have no idea where that puts the scores. Somebody figure it out.

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 8 Jul 2011 13:25
To: Mouse 369 of 661
Man, just my luck. A nipple would have made me piss myself!

I don't know but everything we've tried so far has been very good!
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 8 Jul 2011 13:39
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 370 of 661

I'd say the Curly Wurly is something I'd associate more with younger kids, where they enjoy the chomping experience as much as the taste. I love the burning comment about Crunchie, the stuff inside is /very/ similar to cinder toffee, which tastes even more like burning, but I love it.


I don't eat pork scratchings, even over here most people would avoid them, fans of the stuff are rare but once you get one they adore it.


Good vid.

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 8 Jul 2011 13:49
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 371 of 661
I think if it were a little softer it would be better (for me) but I can see how people would enjoy eating it - The Curly Wurly that is.

And the others, that Boost and Crunchie were very good. I'd eat those all the time if we had them here!

I'm convinced that people there will pretty much eat anything that doesn't eat them first!

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 8 Jul 2011 13:52
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 372 of 661
All I know is that /shit/ is pretty bad. So bad the dog refused to eat it!

But it was a great time seeing Tanner's reaction to it!
From: koswix 8 Jul 2011 15:10
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 373 of 661

Curly Wurlys used to be /massive/. At least double the size they are now.


Leading one annoying and shit Scottish comedien to say "There's not a man alive that can satisfy a woman like a good 12 inches of Curly Wurly"

From: graphitone 8 Jul 2011 19:50
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 374 of 661

Just got around to watching the video, you guys are hilarious. :D


I totally agree with you about the pork scratchings, I tried one years ago /in/ a pub and /with/ a beer. It just made the beer taste greasy!


I am also a sympathiser with your view on black pudding.


Maybe I'm more suited to the 'merkan diet!

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 8 Jul 2011 19:57
To: graphitone 375 of 661
:-) The fact that the dog wouldn't even eat them just cracks me up! He licks his own ass!

Overall I really like the candies and chocolate!

Yeah I can't blame you about that black pudding stuff. Although I'm sure there are a few people who can't stand it over there. It would be silly to think that just because you're from an area on earth you enjoy the same things as everyone else who is from that area.

Glad you liked the video! We are having a blast making them! Going to do another later tonight, if I can keep my eyes opened. So sleepy...
From: milko 9 Jul 2011 16:13
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 376 of 661

Pork scratchings from the Ealing Beer Festival! Yum.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 9 Jul 2011 16:56
To: milko 377 of 661
From: Jo (JELLS) 9 Jul 2011 17:13
To: koswix 378 of 661
The stuff in the Crunchie is puff candy (at least that's what it's called up here).

We call it sponge toffee in Canada. In fact, it even says that right on the Crunchie bar.
From: graphitone 9 Jul 2011 19:52
To: milko 379 of 661

Is it just me, or do they look like old curly toe-nails?


I'm with Ken, they look foul.

From: Mouse 9 Jul 2011 20:23
To: ALL380 of 661
I FORGOT TO SEND MORE CHOCOLATES. And now can't till Wednesday.
From: graphitone 9 Jul 2011 20:52
To: Mouse 381 of 661
From: milko 9 Jul 2011 23:26
To: graphitone 382 of 661
That photo makes them look quite frightening, I agree. They looked more appetising in the flesh, but they're not an aesthetic food it has to be said.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)10 Jul 2011 00:24
To: milko 383 of 661

Beeling Ear Festival, more like!


(Is "beeling" purely a Glasgwegian/Scots word, or does it translate? I'll be pure beelin' if it doesn't.)

From: milko10 Jul 2011 00:31
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 384 of 661
Sorry, that's a new one for me! I like the sound of it though. Explain!
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)10 Jul 2011 00:47
To: milko 385 of 661

It means angry, but tends to expess impotent anger or embarassment.
"Ah missed ma bus, and the driver wouldnae let us oan at the traffic lights. Ah wiz beelin' so a wuz."


Also used when taking pleasure in another's misfortune (wee fuds are big on schadenfreude, so they are):
"Haw, look at that bam tryin' tae get on the bus! Haw big man, ye're pure beelin' noo, ya faaaaaaaanny!"


Most likely a corruption of "boiling".

From: milko10 Jul 2011 00:55
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 386 of 661
ace. I'm having some of that for sure.