I watch a lot of Pat. I agree with some of what he says, but I don't quite a bit.
I watch a lot of shit on youtube. Started watching this last night and found it interesting so far:
I'm only on about #5 though. might finish it tonight.
On a side note, I think the problem with Pat is:
Although he's quite good at expressing the part of me that fears/dislikes about religion, most of what he says comes just from his racism. I prefer to watch debates about it from less angry people.
I am a Muslim and I have a US keyboard but shift+3 is # and alt+3 is £.
So where does that leave me?
rllmuk is a forum about games where everyone moans about games. Mostly.
And I like football. Probably too much but still.
Seen that before, made me laugh. Especially true of American sports but these days football commentators love to try and sound more knowledgeable than they actually are*.
*they know fuck all.
I have a memory of you going over to that right-wing nut-job (borquedfan?) site and being all nice and normal and them being very confused when you revealed you were a muslim (& arab?) - I think they decided in the end you must be lying cos you were too nice
or I may have dreamed the whole thing - it was so long ago