
From: af (CAER)31 May 2011 11:06
To: ANT_THOMAS 49 of 91
Heh, that's included in the .zip download :D

Also I just updated it again to remove the calls to console.log (which would make IE8 fall over), and fixed some positioning issues when using auto-scaling.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 May 2011 11:14
To: af (CAER) 50 of 91
Now I need to get "quickslide" into the Relationship Page to Target list in TinyMCE.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 May 2011 11:43
To: af (CAER) 51 of 91

Found a problem. I have a long page with 3 images/thumbs on it at different points down the page. First image/thumb is near the top, have to scroll to get to the other 2.


When I click the top one the popup appears half way down the page and I need to scroll down to see it.


Are you having the popup appear at the middle of the page height/vertical wise, rather than at the middle of the window?

From: af (CAER)31 May 2011 11:45
To: ANT_THOMAS 52 of 91
It should appear in the middle of the page, plus scrolling.

I wonder if the issue is related to the size of the images. I suspect it might not be using the defined max sizes when positioning the images. Lemme take a look.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 May 2011 11:58
To: af (CAER) 53 of 91
If you've not seen the problem I've replicated it on the test file I linked to above.
From: af (CAER)31 May 2011 11:59
To: ANT_THOMAS 54 of 91
Ok I think I found the problem. Have uploaded a (hopefully) fixed version now.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 May 2011 12:05
To: af (CAER) 55 of 91
Still there on my test page after updating quickslide.js
From: af (CAER)31 May 2011 13:21
To: ANT_THOMAS 56 of 91
Hm, try adding this to your CSS:
CSS code:
body { overflow-y: scroll; }
From: ANT_THOMAS31 May 2011 13:31
To: af (CAER) 57 of 91

Nope :(


I've updated the test and you'll see if you click the bottom one it extends the page below the normal length of the page.

From: af (CAER)31 May 2011 16:29
To: ANT_THOMAS 58 of 91
Ok, I've uploaded a test version that will output some information to the JavaScript console. In Chrome you can see this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+j (I think). Just click an image and tell me what it reports. It will list image height, scroll pos and window height. Do any of the numbers look wrong?
From: af (CAER)31 May 2011 16:40
To: ANT_THOMAS 59 of 91
Huhm. I just downloaded a copy of your page and the image you're using, and with that test version it works fine :S (in Chrome 11 and FF4)
From: af (CAER) 3 Jun 2011 22:30
To: ANT_THOMAS 60 of 91
I've added a new thing: a 'dimmer' option, to darken the rest of the page when you open a popup. If you use it you'll need to add some CSS to make it actually visible, something like this:
CSS code:
#quickslide-dimmer {
	background-color: #333;
	opacity: 0.8;
	filter: alpha(opacity = 80);
	box-shadow: 0 0 9em #000 inset;
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Jun 2011 22:31
To: af (CAER) 61 of 91
Nice, I might use it, but not too sure if I will. It's definitely a feature that it didn't have compared to Lightbox so good stuff!
From: af (CAER) 3 Jun 2011 22:32
To: ANT_THOMAS 62 of 91
To be honest I only added it because it was so easy to do :$

One day soon I will actually get around to adding useful features like next/prev navigation :$
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Jun 2011 22:54
To: af (CAER) 63 of 91
Why are you wasting time re-inventing a heavily cloned wheel, instead of working on something useful (like the fizzy document thing)? :/
From: af (CAER) 3 Jun 2011 22:58
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 64 of 91
Because I wanted to :p I was curious about some things, and this satisfied my curiosity.

I will carry on with Soda at some point, too.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Jun 2011 23:07
To: af (CAER) 65 of 91

Grrr! Why can't you be curious about things which are more useful! :(


Also... whoever created this thread... I keep looking at the status bar and thinking there are two damned unread messages! :'C

EDITED: 3 Jun 2011 23:08 by BOUGHTONP
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Jun 2011 23:10
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 66 of 91
From: af (CAER) 3 Jun 2011 23:13
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 67 of 91
I am still learning, Peter :(

(no but really, I've only been doing web-based programming since around October last year)
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Jun 2011 23:15
To: ANT_THOMAS 68 of 91
Thank you! :D