Anyone else work with...

From: ANT_THOMAS19 May 2011 16:31
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 29 of 31
So in that situation if you shot and killed him what would've happened to you?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)19 May 2011 16:33
To: ANT_THOMAS 30 of 31

It would probably been justified, but I would probably get in trouble for excessive use of force.


In a situation like that I would only shoot him in the leg or arm.


He was high as a kite on paint so shooting him probably would have done little good. I ran like a girl, and probably would have done the same with a gun.

From: graphitone19 May 2011 20:36
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 31 of 31