Northern France beachy me do

From: milko23 May 2013 17:49
To: ANT_THOMAS 16 of 20
still, it's got me thinking about France. It's a good thing!
From: ANT_THOMAS23 May 2013 19:27
To: milko 17 of 20
Good thoughts?
From: milko23 May 2013 20:45
To: ANT_THOMAS 18 of 20
Yeah man, I like France. Always had a good time there.
From: william (WILLIAMA)23 May 2013 20:58
To: ANT_THOMAS 19 of 20
Just did a mid July price check on that there site - Portsmouth, St Malo, car, 4 people, cabin.

£559 - Bloody hell.

From: ANT_THOMAS23 May 2013 21:04
To: william (WILLIAMA) 20 of 20
My parents get the ferry to Ireland every so often and I'm always shocked at the price.

We used to do Plymouth-Roscoff quite a lot when I was a child for summer holidays in France. No idea of the prices back then.