Some CFML Stuffs Me Do

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 May 2011 02:43
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 29 of 75

The point is not to show YOUR power (which frankly, there is none, but I'm not telling), but THEIR abject helplessness (of which there is a copious, abundant and boundless supply, until the end of time, oh lord).


The easiest way to do that is to go out and get smashed, then show up for work the next day. Enjoy.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 7 May 2011 02:59
I'm not sure showing up for work smashed is going to do much on a weekend.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 May 2011 18:08
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 31 of 75
It's going to do great things. GREAT. THINGS. Oh yee of little fathe...
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 9 May 2011 16:36
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 32 of 75

Pete - These numbers are what I get if I query a table in my db. How can I add ONLY the positive numbers and ignore the negatives?



From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 May 2011 17:07
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 33 of 75
Uh.... like this:

Select sum (colname)
from table
where colname > 0

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 12:57
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 34 of 75
What is your schedule looking like this fine day? I need you to hold my hand and whisper in my ear!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 May 2011 13:20
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 35 of 75
Dunno. Ask me again in an hour, when I've eaten and might be more awake.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 13:22
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 36 of 75
k thanks you handsome man!
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 14:38
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 37 of 75

OK I'm having a hell of a time getting the summing to work, do you think you can assist?


I've attached the code and the output thus far.



From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 14:50
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 38 of 75
Hmm, this is kinda strange. It you look at the ungrouped output you can see that the numbers returned are correct. So where am I messing up Peter?

I've changed my code a bit: I moved the bit that zero's out the total and tests for a negative to the query output area.

<table cellpadding="2" align="center">
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Kiln Number</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Batch Date</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Species</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Footage In</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Value In</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Footage Out</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Value Out</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Variance</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>Absorption</b></font></td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4"><b>MFG Variance</b></font></td>
Loop the output and display it
	<cfset intotal = 0>
<cfif rudTotal GT 0>
	<cfset intotal = intotal + rudTotal>
Set values in our variables
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4">#ruhID#</TD>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4">#DateFormat(ruhDate, "MM/DD/YYYY")#</TD>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4">#MID(rudProductID,6,2)#</TD>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4">#NumberFormat(ConsumedVol, ",")#</TD>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4">#intotal#</td>
				<td align="center"><font face="arial" size="4">#NumberFormat(ProducedVol, ",")#</TD>
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 14:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 39 of 75
I know why it's doing it, but my head hurts and I can't figure out how to fix it. I'm zeroing the total out every loop. How the fuck to I fix it? Make another variable to hold the grand total?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 15:04
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 40 of 75
Just as I suspected. If I ungroup them I get the correct value. Grouped is wrong. Any idea how to get what I want?

This is the code that I've changed.

	<cfset intotal = 0>
<cfif rudTotal GT 0>
	<cfset intotal = intotal + rudTotal>
	<cfset Total_Value_In = Total_Value_In + intotal>
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 May 2011 15:41
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 41 of 75
Still don't feel entirely awake, so I might be missing something stupid, but for your main query you don't need GROUP BY unless your SELECT contains an aggregate for that query, which it doesn't.

(Your two aggregates, ConsumedVol and ProducedVol, are both in sub-queries, which would have their own GROUP BY if they needed it, but they don't since they're totals)

For the totalling bit of code... well, when you group on cfoutput you need an inner loop to do the more specific bit - and, more importantly, you need to ORDER BY the grouped bit first, otherwise you tend not to get what you're after.

So try this...
<cfquery name="KilnsById" dbtype="query">
	FROM Kilns
<cfset TotalTotal = 0 />
<cfoutput query="KilnsById" group="ruhId">
	<cfset InTotal = 0 />
		<cfset InTotal += rudTotal />
	<cfset TotalTotal += InTotal />

Oh... except InTotal is needed for final table... so you probably actually want this:

<cfquery name="KilnsById" dbtype="query">
	FROM Kilns
<cfset TotalTotal = 0 />
<cfset InTotal = [] />
<cfoutput query="KilnsById" group="ruhId">
	<cfset InTotal[ruhId] = 0 />
		<cfset InTotal[ruhId] += rudTotal />
	<cfset TotalTotal += InTotal[ruhId] />

Then do #InTotal[ruhId]# in the final td bit.


I'm not entirely convinced I'm not completely overcomplicating things here. :S
EDITED: 10 May 2011 15:42 by BOUGHTONP
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 15:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 42 of 75
Can you tell me where I want to put that bit of code in my code? I've confused myself!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 May 2011 16:39
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 43 of 75
Replace your current bit of totalling code... everything after the comment saying "set variables for totals" and before the one saying "start the output of table headers".
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 17:23
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 44 of 75
OK. What about the missing beginning of the loop? I'd guess about where to start it, but I'm sure I'd be wrong.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 17:34
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 45 of 75
I ended up getting a book for SRS too because I'm going to need to learn it.

I got this one.

Fuck - Peter this was to you.
EDITED: 10 May 2011 17:35 by SHIELDSIT
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 May 2011 17:42
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 46 of 75
Oh bugger! Told you I wasn't awake. That should be a </cfoutput> not a </cfloop>. Like this:

<cfquery name="KilnsById" dbtype="query">
	FROM Kilns
<cfset TotalTotal = 0 />
<cfset InTotal = [] />
<cfoutput query="KilnsById" group="ruhId">
	<cfset InTotal[ruhId] = 0 />
		<cfset InTotal[ruhId] += rudTotal />
	<cfset TotalTotal += InTotal[ruhId] />

(Although, ideally it should all be a cfloop, and whoever at Allaire thought it was a good idea to implement grouping on cfoutput and not on cfloop should be kicked hard.)
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 May 2011 17:47
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 47 of 75
OK so I do that and I get this error:

can't cast [K217] string to a number value
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 May 2011 18:00
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 48 of 75
That's because I did another stupid thing, and gave you an array instead of a structure.

<cfset InTotal = [] />

<cfset InTotal = {} />

Sorry. :(