To AV or not to AV

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 05:35
To: koswix 74 of 115
Oops that turned into a bit of an essay-rant.

I wanted to ask, if you know...

What does the sort of independence the SNP want look like? I mean I'm sure there's some disagreement even within the party as to what form it should take but what's the general y'know?
From: koswix 6 May 2011 05:41
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 75 of 115



Looks like Scotland could actually get a majortity party in holyrood if momentum keeps up. That's an achievement and a half if they do, the whole system here was designed to prevent majorities (and so doing reduce the chance of an independence referendum).


And /fuck/ the lib dems. And /fuck/ Scottish labour.

From: koswix 6 May 2011 05:54
To: koswix 76 of 115
Yay! My constituency just went SNP. Really expected labour to hold it here, but they lost it by a couple of hundred :'D
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 06:10
To: koswix 77 of 115
It's interesting. And aye, it'll be an amazing achievement if it happens.

Also interesting that the SNP is quite a left wing party (obviously any nationalist party here would be right wing, though of course it's a different situation and, in a way, a different kind of nationalism). Makes me wonder, though, whether Scotland is really that much more left-leaning (I mean of course I know it is a bit) or whether a significant proportion of people would vote for the nationalist party regardless of their other policies (and, conversely, how many people would still vote SNP after independence (and after the SNP's heroic afterglow has worn off, which wouldn't take long I think (man, I overuse parentheses))).

But yeah, my worry is that we agree to a form of independence which leaves you economically fucked. I mean it's unlikely that general public here will recognise that we owe you for holding you back (to put it mildly) for x hundred years. Cos yeah, the reparation movement in the US hasn't exactly done well.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 06:12
To: koswix 78 of 115
Oh man they have a majority now, right? Am I reading this wrong?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 06:32
To: ALL79 of 115
"Lib Dem president Tim Farron says he does not see the party's losses on Sheffield Council as an anti-Clegg result"

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 07:52
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 80 of 115
Mr Farron said the party was "finding out for the first time what it is to be a Liberal Democrat in mid-term"

Cons: up 1 council and 10 councillors
Libs: down 3 councils and /233/ councillors

(and the lib total was lower so as a proportion that's huge)

I mean seriously, I know it's just spin but they really need a new line. At best they look stupid, at worst they look oblivious.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 6 May 2011 08:43
To: koswix 81 of 115
Same here - a swing of 10% or so from labour to snp. Round here, there are about twenty people who vote tory and huge swathes of labour-for-life voters, so I imagine a fair bit of that swing came from disenchanted lib dems.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 08:51
To: ALL82 of 115

It's weird that the media are reporting this as, by some magical mechanism they don't quite explain, people deserting the lib dims because of the tories' spending cuts :?


Does that make any sense to them when they're writing it?


Seems to me this clearly many people feeling like I do - that the lib dems betrayed those who voted for them, turning a vote for them into a vote for the tories. And it seems (unless I'm delusional about that) weird that that is not being reported.

EDITED: 6 May 2011 08:57 by X3N0PH0N
From: Mouse 6 May 2011 08:59
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 83 of 115
I voted against our local Libdem because he replied to my email with, "Thanks, but I disagree, so I'll vote how I want on [issue]". Second time that's happened. He still got in though.

Just up the road got these results :(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 09:01
To: Mouse 84 of 115
Depressing :(
From: Mouse 6 May 2011 09:03
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 85 of 115
38% Turn out.

Found it quite interesting that Keighley Central get a 51% turn out, generally quite poor run down houses in centre of town but the outer mini suberbs, some of which are rather well to do get 42% and 35% turn outs.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 09:12
To: Mouse 86 of 115
S'interesting. Maybe labour's old-labour base is starting to wake up after 20 years of hibernation or whatever. Hope so.

I didn't go to vote at all, I didn't realise there was a council election here, I thought it was just the AV thing :$

(not that it'd've made any difference, been a tory councillor for about 9000 years)
From: JonCooper 6 May 2011 09:25
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 87 of 115
I think they are trying to get all the other stuff done before they start on the AV vote counting
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 09:30
To: JonCooper 88 of 115
(Polls say "no" won)
From: ANT_THOMAS 6 May 2011 10:27
To: Mouse 89 of 115
God, that is awful. Thankfully there was no BNP on my ballot paper. The big 3 and UKIP.
From: koswix 6 May 2011 10:57
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 90 of 115

Need 65 seats for a majority.


And I seriously doubt Scotland would actually vote in favour of independence, which is a shame :(

From: JonCooper 6 May 2011 10:59
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 91 of 115
I thought it was a fairly poor choice

do you want to switch to an even shitter system than the current shit system?
From: ANT_THOMAS 6 May 2011 11:01
To: JonCooper 92 of 115
It's not shitter though.
From: Matt 6 May 2011 11:02
To: Mouse 93 of 115

We've stayed Conservative, like we always do :(

I voted against our Lib Dem candidate too, but for no other reason than I hate their their spinelessness and lack of commitment to their manifesto in their so called "Government" with the Tories.

Fuck 'em.