To AV or not to AV

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 14:21
To: Jo (JELLS) 107 of 115
Yep, that's how it is and... I guess they have parties so that, well, up until 50 years ago so that people knew the ideology of the person they were voting for and could trust them to make particular decisions based on that. Now there's no real ideology in politics you're right really, parties are pointless at a local level.

Although I guess the serve one of the same functions they serve nationally in that they're a voting block. I know that if I return a labour councillor s/he'll vote with the other labour councillors.

But yeah, no real reason.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 14:27
To: Jo (JELLS) 108 of 115
Oh and it should probably be noted (I'm sure you're aware but just in case) that the elections in Wales and Scotland were for their Assembly and Parliament respectively and so are of a bit more immediate significance.
From: Jo (JELLS) 6 May 2011 14:45
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 109 of 115
Yeah, that I knew. BBC World just died here (all the other cable channels work but that one just went on the fritz for some reason) but they were talking about the SNP promising a referendum on independence. Been there, done that, it was hell, wouldn't recommend that route to anyone. (Quebec 1995)
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 14:54
To: Jo (JELLS) 110 of 115
Hah, aye, I Remember that (not as intimately as you of course, from over here).
From: ANT_THOMAS 6 May 2011 15:26
To: ALL111 of 115
Well they had to draw straws in Bury and Labour took control.

EDITED: 6 May 2011 15:42 by ANT_THOMAS
From: koswix 6 May 2011 15:29
To: ALL112 of 115

Holy crap this is one helluva yellow map :D


The SNP have a majority at 65 seats, and there's still 3 regional votes to be declared.


So far I think the Lib Dems have got a massive 4 seats, and Labour 29. This is going to be an interesting parliament.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 May 2011 15:32
To: koswix 113 of 115
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 6 May 2011 23:55
To: ANT_THOMAS 114 of 115

That's hilarious. If only we had some kind of voting system that allowed people who voted for the other parties to still have some say.


Oh fucking wait.

From: Kriv 7 May 2011 01:06
To: ALL115 of 115

1. Lib Dems have taken a lot of unwarranted flack, they are the Tory Shield.


2. Motion would have passed if Brown didnt decline a coalition.


3. AV is insignificant, Proportinal Representation was what should have been fought for. Tories (and Labour) know PR would reduce their numbers in parliament. No longer would Tories and Labour rely on their minority vote (30-38%) to gain power via tactical voting


4. If AV is so bad, why are internal party votes follow AV?


5. Seeing a voting reform referendum in our lifetime is extremely unlikely, well done Clegg.


6. Cameron has pretty much secured a second term in office. Lib deems returned to 1980s political strength, Labour scapegoat for debt will take a while to shake off (Not all their fault, but definitely a significant contributing factor)