EPUB validation trouble

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 6 Apr 2011 06:19
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 25 of 28
:o *must go*
From: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 6 Apr 2011 08:26
To: ALL26 of 28

Hee hee.
It wasn't combative. Didn't use any harsh language.


The other colour of Newcastle Ale is Amber, which is hard to come by.


I like the lyrical best beers. And I am impressed with the others. I am delighted that I don't know many of them. What a marvelous country we live in that types of beer are seemingly limitless.


Also, you did fall in to the trap. Lager is not Beer. Lager is for the weak of heart and ignoble of spirit. I piss on lager.


I am heartened by the spirit of these comments.
I will return.

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 6 Apr 2011 08:31
To: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 27 of 28
Still can't help you with the epub thing, mind.
From: koswix 6 Apr 2011 10:17
To: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 28 of 28
I piss lager.