
From: Mouse 8 Mar 2011 01:08
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 40 of 80
I don't think Libyan's "Rebels" (I fucking hate that word, they went from 'Protesters' to 'Rebels' at the point they started getting slaughtered) want foreigners coming in and actually intervening. I don't think they'd mind being helped but they don't want an Iraq situation.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Mar 2011 01:23
To: Mouse 41 of 80
Trying to read Twitter is like trying to read YouTube comments, except with a really incredibly shit UI and arbitrarily limited messages interspersed with gunk, where 90% of messages is people re-fucking-tweeting all the damned time, because the stupid service doesn't let them just say "why not read this" in a sensible fashion. And don't even get me started on the complete and utter farce of threading the steaming turd pile uses. :@

(I don't like Twitter.)
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 8 Mar 2011 01:24
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 42 of 80

Because the Russkies & Chines won't play along with the West being suddenly seized with utterly phony outrage?


Let's see what happens now in Saudi Arabia...

From: Mouse 8 Mar 2011 01:28
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 43 of 80
I do know what you mean, it's nothing like Youtube comments though, they're just 90% trolling. It's democracy. Democracy's messy.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Mar 2011 01:31
To: Mouse 44 of 80
I'm pretty sure all the people dying just want the bastard gone. It's probably mostly the "rebel" government that don't want foreigners coming along?

Anyway, seems like the perfect opportunity for the relevant countries to say "yeah, we fucked up Iraq, but look, we're going to go in, get the ugly guy, then go back to our boats and do some fishing, whilst the good guys get themselves sorted out, and we're just over here if they need more help."

Instead, the dumb UK government try to sneak in half a dozen Grant Mitchells. Idiots. :/
From: Mouse 8 Mar 2011 01:38
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 45 of 80
Aye, it's fucked up. Don't think there's really an easy answer. Going in, capping Qaddafi, Qadhdhaafiy, Khaddafi, Q'udafi whatever his bloody name is won't just solve everything I imagine. But he, his family and his cohorts are evil bastards and should get fucked.
From: JonCooper 8 Mar 2011 01:39
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 46 of 80
or maybe the dumb UK government could just fuck off and let Libya sort it out for themselves

we simply CANNOT go about the world deciding which leaders we like and which are a bit of a PITA (today)

why? cos we (the west) ALWAYS fuck it up
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Mar 2011 01:47
To: Mouse 47 of 80
Chrome called him Garfield so I went with that. :)
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Mar 2011 01:53
To: JonCooper 48 of 80
I don't like the idea of standing around letting people die. :/

It's not a question of deciding leaders - seems pretty clear that decision has already been made.

If a dog goes crazy and attacks its family, it gets put down.

If a ruler goes crazy and attacks their own people, they should also be dealt with.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Mar 2011 01:54
I thought Russia was all nice and cuddly these days?

(Or is that just the pretty girls the internet people keep promising to send me?)
From: koswix 8 Mar 2011 02:12
To: ALL50 of 80
The thing I hate about twitter is that I have to click every fucking time to switch to the new version of twitter. Cunts.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 8 Mar 2011 02:29
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 51 of 80
Because that would be illegal.
From: JonCooper 8 Mar 2011 09:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 52 of 80
but, there are many 'ruler's all over the world who I would suggest are a bit crazy and should be removed from power (mugabe?) are you suggesting /we/ should remove them all?
EDITED: 8 Mar 2011 09:42 by JONCOOPER
From: ANT_THOMAS 8 Mar 2011 10:31
To: koswix 53 of 80
You clearly have a wrong setting somewhere. I always get new Twitter when I login, with the option to go to old Twitter. I would quite like that banner to fuck off though.
From: koswix 8 Mar 2011 12:08
To: ANT_THOMAS 54 of 80
Your a wrong setting :C
From: JonCooper10 Mar 2011 12:25
that's always been true, the only reason we were so sure Saddam had weapons of mass destruction is cos we had the reciepts
From: graphitone10 Mar 2011 13:21
To: JonCooper 57 of 80
</Bill Hicks quotes>
From: JonCooper10 Mar 2011 15:36
To: graphitone 58 of 80
bill hicks?
From: graphitone10 Mar 2011 15:46
To: JonCooper 59 of 80
What you said up there was practically a word for word quote of Hicks' War on Iraq bit.

Look at the top box