Teh Mine

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Feb 2011 04:29
To: JonCooper 918 of 3934
I can see a map now.

Or at least the small portion of it which spinning plates is viewing, I guess.

If only I could zoom in more.. this is almost like online stalking. :D
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Feb 2011 04:35
To: spinning_plates 919 of 3934
Renamed it to minecraftlauncher.jar from minecraftlauncher.jar.zip

Probably because you downloaded it with IE, and IE is shit and likes to fuck with things like that.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Feb 2011 04:39
To: Woggy 920 of 3934
There's still plenty of life in it! The game hasn't even finished development yet - so even if everyone here did get bored tomorrow (not going to happen), you'd have a spurt of Teh people playing it at least for a while when it is actually fully released.

Get it! Get it! Get it! :@
From: Matt27 Feb 2011 13:34
To: koswix 921 of 3934
It just died.

I fell to my death digging out the pool and when I respawned I was floating in space for a while with no terrain at all, then it booted me out and I can't reconnect now :(
From: JonCooper27 Feb 2011 13:38
To: Matt 922 of 3934
me either - and the map thing says you're miles from the hole
From: koswix27 Feb 2011 14:22
To: Matt 923 of 3934

Blue screened :-/


Back up now.

From: Matt27 Feb 2011 14:25
To: koswix 924 of 3934

But it looks like some of the map data has corrupted, we now have huge bits of terrain in the middle of the pool that weren't there an hour ago.

Oh well, time to get the TNT out again.
From: Matt27 Feb 2011 14:34
To: koswix 925 of 3934
Gone again :(
From: spinning_plates27 Feb 2011 14:57
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 926 of 3934
I used Firefox.
From: koswix27 Feb 2011 15:06
To: Matt 927 of 3934
It's been up solidly for days, and now I get two blue screens in a row :/
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Feb 2011 16:01
To: spinning_plates 928 of 3934
Bah, just tried and it looks like they all get JARs screwed up.

Stupid browsers. :@
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)27 Feb 2011 16:06
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 929 of 3934
They don't. A jar is a zip archive.
From: Matt27 Feb 2011 16:16
To: koswix 930 of 3934
EDITED: 4 Mar 2023 13:35 by MATT
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Feb 2011 16:16
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 931 of 3934
It's an executable zip file.

A browser's default behaviour should be treating it as an executable, because people that know/care they are zip files (the minority) will know how to override that behaviour, whilst people that don't will get all confused.
From: JonCooper27 Feb 2011 16:18
To: Matt 932 of 3934
kos was off to watch rugby, he may not notice for a while
From: Matt27 Feb 2011 16:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 933 of 3934
* The browser should choose what to do based on what the server says the file is.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Feb 2011 16:24
To: Matt 934 of 3934
Well, if there's different content types to specify that, then yeah.

(And, if it hasn't explicitly been set by the uploader, the default behaviour should again be to determine if its an executable JAR and act accordingly.)
From: JonCooper27 Feb 2011 16:28
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 935 of 3934
my browser (IE8) did detect it and act accordingly - maybe spinningplates has buggered about with some settings or installed some software that hijacked the .jar extension?
From: koswix27 Feb 2011 16:29
To: ALL936 of 3934
From: Matt27 Feb 2011 16:33
To: koswix 937 of 3934
Have you tried reseating the RAM?