Teh Mine

From: spinning_plates26 Feb 2011 13:48
To: spinning_plates 879 of 3934
Oh and laval flows for under-floor heating and lights.
From: spinning_plates26 Feb 2011 13:49
To: koswix 880 of 3934
I apologies for the mess, but the hole is going to become a swimming pool. It's not just a big mess.
From: Mouse26 Feb 2011 14:01
To: spinning_plates 881 of 3934
It looks like Bradford :D
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 14:15
To: spinning_plates 882 of 3934
It better not just be a big mess :@
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)26 Feb 2011 14:49
To: ALL883 of 3934
b0rk *keeps trying*
From: Matt26 Feb 2011 14:50
To: ALL884 of 3934
And now minecraft.net is down (including the website!) :(
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 14:50
To: ALL885 of 3934

Was getting the 'end of stream' and the 503 error when i was trying to connect, have just updated the crafbukkit build and still can't connect, but don't think it's to do with the new version.



From: koswix26 Feb 2011 14:51
To: koswix 886 of 3934
D'oh - seems that minecraft.net is down /again/.
From: spinning_plates26 Feb 2011 15:01
To: koswix 887 of 3934
Indeed and I was all into the tidying.
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 15:03
To: spinning_plates 888 of 3934



ONce you can get back in, checkout this :D




:D :D :D (it'll be blank unless someone is playing)

From: spinning_plates26 Feb 2011 15:05
To: koswix 889 of 3934
I keep worrying you've banned me. I really will organise a work of beauty!
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 15:06
To: spinning_plates 890 of 3934
You'd better. I've decided to let you off witha warning. Patch is going to get it though.
From: patch26 Feb 2011 16:03
To: koswix 891 of 3934

Mememememe. Memememe. Mememe.


Sorry, did you mumble something?

From: ANT_THOMAS26 Feb 2011 16:10
To: ALL892 of 3934
Blah, Minecraft.net is down.
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 16:12
To: patch 893 of 3934
I will deal with you later.
From: JonCooper26 Feb 2011 16:19
To: ANT_THOMAS 894 of 3934
if you go on the minecraft forums, anyone complaining that it's down again is shouted down by all the fanbois
but, it really is time they got this fixed, stop fucking about with the game and once and for all get the damn login servers sorted out
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 17:51
To: JonCooper 895 of 3934
Wot thread? I suck at navigating any forum that isn't beehive :$
From: af (CAER)26 Feb 2011 17:53
To: koswix 896 of 3934

That's awesome* :D

* probably. It's blank at the moment but I can imagine what it'd be like :D
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 17:55
To: ALL897 of 3934

If you click Play Offline, you can now get ontot he server.


I will re-enable secure online only mode once minecraft.net is back up.


The cunts.

From: Matt26 Feb 2011 17:57
To: koswix 898 of 3934
Doesn't work, says I'm not white-listed, presumably because I'm trying to connect as "Player".