Teh Mine

From: Mouse25 Feb 2011 22:30
To: ALL858 of 3934
Apparently I can't play any more because I'm not a premium user.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Feb 2011 22:57
To: Mouse 859 of 3934
On the server, or at all?

There's probably a Mojang email somewhere you can write a shouty message at.
From: koswix25 Feb 2011 23:46
To: Mouse 860 of 3934
Dirty pierat.
From: Mouse26 Feb 2011 00:48
To: koswix 861 of 3934

I paid! Logged back out and in again and it worked.


I'll be back to make more glass for the swimming pool tomorrow.

From: JonCooper26 Feb 2011 01:07
To: Mouse 862 of 3934
felt sorry for you, standing so long in the sun, so I planted a tree to shade you ;)
From: Mouse26 Feb 2011 01:12
To: JonCooper 863 of 3934
From: spinning_plates26 Feb 2011 02:42
To: Mouse 864 of 3934
Here's the rather confusing video of the explosion that created the pool. I suggest we never, ever use that much TNT again.


I'll be back on tomorrow to expand the pool. We are going to need teams to make the roof.
From: Mouse26 Feb 2011 09:19
To: spinning_plates 865 of 3934
Haha, I take it that made Kos's server do a bit of a burp?
From: patch26 Feb 2011 09:23
To: Mouse 866 of 3934
I couldn't get back in for a good 20 minutes. And when I did get back in, Kos shouted at me and then killed me.
From: Mouse26 Feb 2011 09:34
To: patch 867 of 3934
Haha! You mad heads.
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Feb 2011 10:21
To: spinning_plates 868 of 3934
Hahahaha that is one fucking big hole
From: Matt26 Feb 2011 12:00
To: spinning_plates 869 of 3934
Haha, brilliant. I love that a chicken survived it (you can't see it, but you can hear it clucking near the end of the video!)
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)26 Feb 2011 12:13
To: ALL870 of 3934

Can't delete things :(
Also, I find it hard to help with anything because there are no warp points, dunno what we're doing etc :(

From: af (CAER)26 Feb 2011 12:22
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 871 of 3934
There are warp points! :O
From: patch26 Feb 2011 12:28
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 872 of 3934
If you can't delete stuff, logging out and in again seems to sort it.
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 13:29
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 873 of 3934
All the warps are still there.
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Feb 2011 13:29
To: koswix 874 of 3934
When you do /help to get the list of commands, how do I get to see the other pages?
From: koswix26 Feb 2011 13:30
To: ANT_THOMAS 875 of 3934

/help 2 for page 2.


I'll let you work out the rest.

From: ANT_THOMAS26 Feb 2011 13:31
To: koswix 876 of 3934
Hmm, hopefully I don't struggle with the rest.
From: spinning_plates26 Feb 2011 13:47
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 877 of 3934
We're making a swimming pool with a glass roof and a bedrock floor. Mouse was working on a massive supply of glass. Jon and I were excavating more towards bedrock. Carefully.