Teh Mine

From: koswix24 Feb 2011 15:08
To: patch 816 of 3934
Yes, we're using it. But its shit.
Message 38140.817 was deleted
From: steve24 Feb 2011 18:23
To: 818 of 3934
Do you sell minecraft themed paper?
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 21:12
To: ALL819 of 3934

OK, looks like we're back up and running with items, warps etc. All the warps seem to be back as well (woo!)


The plugin that we're now using is called Essentials, which is a bukkit thing that actually makes bukkit do stuff.


The command list is here:


If a command doesn't work it probably needs another plugin installing (fail).


Not sure if minecart mania is working or not, just going to test it.

From: koswix24 Feb 2011 21:27
To: koswix 820 of 3934

Looks like Minecart Mania is working, too :D



From: JonCooper24 Feb 2011 22:18
To: koswix 821 of 3934
that's cool, coz I altered some of the track, it now goes further than is actually possible*

*may be a slight exaggeration
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 22:53
To: JonCooper 822 of 3934
You can also now use /throttle [0-100] to set the speed ofyour cart :D
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 22:55
To: koswix 823 of 3934
And in a cart, face the way you want to go and left click once to go, once to stop :D
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Feb 2011 22:58
To: koswix 824 of 3934

Finally :D


Carts are a pain in the arse otherwise!

From: koswix24 Feb 2011 23:14
To: ANT_THOMAS 825 of 3934
Don't tell Mouse though, he'll get upset.
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 23:17
To: ALL826 of 3934

Teleporting/warping/home/spawn are a bit fucked at the moment.


They work, but it takes /ages/ to load the level data around you, and sometimes it just gives up and you get booted.


It's a bug with Bukkit and it should be fixed soon (tonight or tomorrow). Will update the server as soon as the new version is out.

From: ANT_THOMAS24 Feb 2011 23:33
To: ALL827 of 3934

Is the new client eating too much RAM for anyone?


Went well over a GB for me giving me only about 5% free RAM overall. Used to only hit about 600-800MB.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Feb 2011 23:34
To: ANT_THOMAS 828 of 3934
Not noticed ram but it's crashing a /lot/.
From: Mouse24 Feb 2011 23:45
To: koswix 829 of 3934
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Feb 2011 23:47
To: ANT_THOMAS 830 of 3934
I just did a quick test and it's got ~50% allocated, but never seems to get above 20% used before the garbage collector comes along and drops it back to ~12%.

That's with a relatively new world though, and not doing a great deal other than running around the tops of walls looking in all directions - I guess on Teh Server it has a lot more stuff to worry about.

Haven't had any crashes - other when actually trying to connect to the server (I now get a "mark/reset not supported" message, but it's the same error as before), but that's not really a crash in the sense I expect Xen means.
From: af (CAER)25 Feb 2011 10:14
To: koswix 831 of 3934
/antioch: Places LIVE TNT near or on the block your crosshair is on.


And, what does bukkit actually do, if not this stuff?
From: koswix25 Feb 2011 14:03
To: af (CAER) 832 of 3934

Bukkit is, even though it doesn't actually say this on their site because it is shit, an API for the server. It provides methods and events for plugins to use, but provides no user functionality.


Why can't they say that on they're website?

From: JonCooper25 Feb 2011 14:18
To: koswix 833 of 3934
they're website ???
EDITED: 25 Feb 2011 14:18 by JONCOOPER
From: koswix25 Feb 2011 14:54
To: JonCooper 834 of 3934

what about they're website?


(I blame android's autocorrect. Again :$ )

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Feb 2011 15:05
To: koswix 835 of 3934
You can't blame android's auto-correct for not fixing you're mistake. :@