Teh Mine

From: koswix23 Feb 2011 23:51
To: ALL802 of 3934
Can't log in with either client now :'(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)23 Feb 2011 23:58
To: Manthorp 803 of 3934
You're far more than a mere human, and thus excluded.

I was musing earlier that all external bodily bendy bits seem to involve either a (k)n sound or a w sound.


shoWlder (IT COUNTS!)

And then you've got a choice of KNob, Willy, or - spanning both categories - WiNKie.

I have no idea what (if any) relevance all of that might hold, but I feel it's worth mentioning - especially since this topic is unlikely to be derailable in its current state and thus it's the perfect place to post these ponderings.
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 00:05
To: ALL804 of 3934

Minecraft rip off fail (fail)



From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Feb 2011 01:12
To: koswix 805 of 3934
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 01:39
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 806 of 3934
Man that is /ugly/.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Feb 2011 01:48
To: koswix 807 of 3934
Aye :')
From: JonCooper24 Feb 2011 01:59
To: koswix 808 of 3934
the guy's attitude gets me - so sure it's NOT a minecraft rip-off
effing and blinding all over the comments
could have defused it all by simply saying
"yes, it's like minecraft, but better"
From: patch24 Feb 2011 09:41
To: koswix 809 of 3934
Yeah, it's all blocky and shit. But somehow has over 72000 players.
From: JonCooper24 Feb 2011 14:16
To: ALL810 of 3934
finding it very hard to delete stuff on the server now - it goes but it comes right back :(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Feb 2011 14:42
To: JonCooper 811 of 3934
I always had to re-destroy misplaced stuff. Generally took 2-3 attempts to correct a mistake.

(Removing natural landscape blocks was generally fine, except when it lagged.)
From: JonCooper24 Feb 2011 14:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 812 of 3934
doesn't matter how many times I destroy it, just keeps coming back
it's not landscape stuff, just placed blocks
From: steve24 Feb 2011 14:54
To: ALL813 of 3934
From: patch24 Feb 2011 14:59
To: koswix 814 of 3934
Apparently Bukkit for 1.3 has been released. Just so you know.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Feb 2011 15:06
To: JonCooper 815 of 3934
Disconnect and reconnect? :S
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 15:08
To: patch 816 of 3934
Yes, we're using it. But its shit.
Message 38140.817 was deleted
From: steve24 Feb 2011 18:23
To: 818 of 3934
Do you sell minecraft themed paper?
From: koswix24 Feb 2011 21:12
To: ALL819 of 3934

OK, looks like we're back up and running with items, warps etc. All the warps seem to be back as well (woo!)


The plugin that we're now using is called Essentials, which is a bukkit thing that actually makes bukkit do stuff.


The command list is here:


If a command doesn't work it probably needs another plugin installing (fail).


Not sure if minecart mania is working or not, just going to test it.

From: koswix24 Feb 2011 21:27
To: koswix 820 of 3934

Looks like Minecart Mania is working, too :D



From: JonCooper24 Feb 2011 22:18
To: koswix 821 of 3934
that's cool, coz I altered some of the track, it now goes further than is actually possible*

*may be a slight exaggeration