Teh Mine

From: JonCooper22 Feb 2011 20:03
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 691 of 3934
oh? I thought it updated then was claiming Kos' server was out of date
From: koswix22 Feb 2011 20:05
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 692 of 3934

No, (well maybe), but the old method of runnign minecraft.exe logs in fine, but everyone on minecraft forums is saying that the new launcher is failling to log in.


The server has been updated to the new version on minecraft.net and it seems that hMod etc. is all working on it, but i can't log in to check. Don't know if that's related to not using the new launcher or not though.

From: koswix22 Feb 2011 20:15
To: ALL693 of 3934

OK, worked it out I think.


hMod uses it's own server jar file (minecraft_servero.jar, fact fans!) which obviously hasn't been updated when i updated the official server file.


I've just launched the original server jar, and it's currently converting the world to the new format. I suspect this will take FOREVER, and there is a back up if it goes wrong or whatever. That means no hMod until hMod is updated.


Alternative is we hold back and use 1.2 client and server until hMod is up and running with the new server. I don't mind which, but let me know what you'd all prefer (I think I know what that will be somehow :D).


On the plus side, the 1.3 client is /much/ faster than the 1.2 was for me - on Singleplayer I can have fancy graphics on my laptop, view set to normal and still got 40+FPS. The new lighting is pretty, too.

From: patch22 Feb 2011 20:17
To: koswix 694 of 3934
I've already updated to 1.3, but if anyone's got a copy of 1.2 to send me, I'm happy to use that.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Feb 2011 20:23
To: koswix 695 of 3934
New server. Fuck it, it's time.
From: patch22 Feb 2011 20:23
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 696 of 3934

New server, or new map?


Edit: I know, we've had this conversation before. I just like to check.

EDITED: 22 Feb 2011 20:27 by PATCH
From: Matt22 Feb 2011 20:25
To: ALL697 of 3934
Neither client will connect to minecraft.net for me. Bum.
From: koswix22 Feb 2011 20:25
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 698 of 3934
Hmmmm - vanila server doesn't do back ups *nervous*
From: JonCooper22 Feb 2011 20:28
To: patch 699 of 3934
not new map!
From: patch22 Feb 2011 20:29
To: JonCooper 700 of 3934
That's my opinion, too. There's more than enough space unexplored on the current one. And Xen's expressed that thought too, in the past. But he's enough of a bastard to change his mind.
From: koswix22 Feb 2011 20:30
To: ALL701 of 3934

we need to decide /now/ before we do any work, as I can't convert the new world format back to the old to work with 1.2.


I am going to have a shower, and then I'll decide what to do. I'm edging towards keeping 1.2 for now tbh.

From: patch22 Feb 2011 20:42
To: koswix 702 of 3934
I say 1.2 for now. I like having warps and TPs and stuff.
From: koswix22 Feb 2011 20:49
To: patch 703 of 3934

Aye. 1.2 for now, will decide over the next couple of days whether to move based on noises from hMod, kMod,Bukkit etc.


Restoring 1.2 now, should be up in a few.


Can someone find a download for the 1.2 client and share a link pls? :$

From: spinning_plates22 Feb 2011 20:53
To: koswix 704 of 3934
could you add adelicatebalance to teh whitelist please?

Also, what should I do to "get on" i.e. is the server up and do I need to run an old client?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Feb 2011 20:56
To: patch 705 of 3934
Not new map :|
From: spinning_plates22 Feb 2011 20:58
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 706 of 3934
Hey Xen - did you get my messages on Steam or is that someone else? I haven't played any Minecraft in months, but would like to.
From: koswix22 Feb 2011 20:59
To: spinning_plates 707 of 3934



Server is now back up, on 1.2.


You need to have the 1.2 client to log in. If you haven't already updated to 1.3 this should just be a case of using the new launcher and NOT UPDATING TO 1.3 when it asks you.


If you have already upgraded, you need to find the old 1.2 version of Minecraft, and launch it with the new launcher and NOT UPDATE!


I think I have 1.2 on my PC actually, lemme check.

From: spinning_plates22 Feb 2011 21:04
To: koswix 708 of 3934
I don't think I had a copy of minecraft.exe at all except maybe on my MacBook, but I think I updated that a few days ago. Hmm. Hmmmmm. I will check. If not I would appreciate the 1.2 file.
From: koswix22 Feb 2011 21:08
To: ALL709 of 3934

Right, to play 1.2 if you've updated, I /think/ this is what you need to do:


Go to %appdata%/.minecraft and delete or rename the BIN folder.


Then replace it with the BIN folder you can find zipped all up nice and warm here: http://minemap.tehforum.co.uk/bin.rar


Then launch via the new launcher and choose no to update (if you can log in, I still can't log in via the new launcher.).


I'm off out now, so any problems are your own :C

From: spinning_plates22 Feb 2011 21:11
To: spinning_plates 710 of 3934
Well the version on my Mac is 1.3 so I'll try to do the fix thingy with a 1.3 client on the PC.