Teh Mine

From: patch18 Feb 2011 15:54
To: Mouse 612 of 3934

I'm not sure one's been set. There's a small entrance in the edge of the lava lake near Kos's house and a couple of ladders in the middle of the sea somewhere. Or you could use the secret staircase near the teapot.


Not the teapot near the original spawn. Which is the one I thought of originally when Kos said it had reached the teapot. That confused me a lot.

From: patch18 Feb 2011 15:56
To: ALL613 of 3934
Thank you everyone who helped. I still haven't worked out what it was all for, though.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)18 Feb 2011 21:10
To: ANT_THOMAS 614 of 3934
So, uh, shouldn't you be working?
From: koswix18 Feb 2011 21:31
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 615 of 3934
It's after 8 at night man, have some compassion!
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)18 Feb 2011 22:15
To: koswix 616 of 3934
Sorry :(
From: koswix18 Feb 2011 22:19
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 617 of 3934
From: JonCooper18 Feb 2011 23:33
To: ALL618 of 3934
went for a walk, found a really cool house built into a mountain, then Drew turned up so we both poked about a bit - then I got lost so I built a tower to see where I was, fell off and died in the middle of nowhere :(

From: koswix18 Feb 2011 23:35
To: JonCooper 619 of 3934
:'D I love minecraft for exactly that post :D
From: JonCooper19 Feb 2011 02:08
To: koswix 620 of 3934
if you're interested in a railway in the tunnel system then the 'Minecart Mania' server mod might be worth a look
From: af (CAER)19 Feb 2011 13:48
To: JonCooper 621 of 3934
Ooo that sounds like a tremendously useful mod :D
From: koswix19 Feb 2011 15:09
To: JonCooper 622 of 3934

Minecart Mania is installed and seems to be working.


Read this: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Mods/Minecart_Mania!


And then make an awesome underground railway inthe tunnells :D

From: Mouse19 Feb 2011 15:24
To: koswix 623 of 3934



Oh my word. I'll have a look as soon as I can.

EDITED: 19 Feb 2011 15:36 by MOUSE
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)20 Feb 2011 09:31
To: ALL624 of 3934
Done some work on the tunnel. I've made a warp at the point I got to called "workface".

Jon's been going ahead mining out the central column which makes things easier.

But yeah, I got to a huge bit of sea and thought "fuck that, I'm tried" (been intending to go to bed for hours). So whoever's on the next shift has some fun ahead.
From: JonCooper20 Feb 2011 10:19
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 625 of 3934
my thinking being that the central column is a PITA for you TNT guys, and it should help a bit being able to check ahead - see when you're about to hit seabed or similar
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)20 Feb 2011 10:21
To: JonCooper 626 of 3934
Aye, I was doing the same thing the day before with the same reasoning :Y
From: patch20 Feb 2011 11:12
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 627 of 3934
I came down to Devon to visit my Mum yesterday, and most of the time I've been here I've had a little bit at the back of my mind wondering if anyone's been working on the tunnel. You're both as mental as each other.
From: koswix20 Feb 2011 12:11
To: patch 628 of 3934
Did you give her one from me?
From: patch20 Feb 2011 18:08
To: koswix 629 of 3934
No. Apparently, you weren't worth the return business.
EDITED: 20 Feb 2011 18:08 by PATCH
From: Matt20 Feb 2011 19:08
To: koswix 630 of 3934
Can yo add HeyRatFans to the whitelist? This tunnel has me intrigued.
From: koswix20 Feb 2011 21:24
To: Matt 631 of 3934



I just spent five minutes trying to work out why I couldn't paste your name into the Whitelist.txt document, and then realised I had copied it here and was trying to paste it in VNC :$


Which leads me to ask this: Why doesn't TightVNC have a shared clipboard? That'd be /sooo/ useful.