Teh Mine

From: JonCooper16 Feb 2011 11:35
To: ALL559 of 3934
does minecraft have some kind of memory issue?
I'm asking cos mine seems to crash after about an hour, with a DOS screen full of comments, but relaunching the .exe makes it all work again for another hour
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Feb 2011 11:42
To: JonCooper 560 of 3934
Where's the dos screen coming from? Oh do you mean the ingame thing with the white background? Make a note of what it says next time (or take a screenie).

Shouldn't be a memory thing I think cos java's supposed to be sandboxed. Minecraft crashes for lots of reasons though so could be just you get a crash every hour or so from statistical chance or something.

Anyway yeah, note down the error. Though java errors can be a bit uselessly generic.
From: JonCooper16 Feb 2011 16:48
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 561 of 3934
nah, not ingame, like a dos prompt box with a load of stuff, I'll do a screen shot next time
From: JonCooper16 Feb 2011 19:26
To: JonCooper 562 of 3934
like this ~
From: patch16 Feb 2011 21:26
To: ALL563 of 3934

This explains so much.


Hint: He wasn't trying to put the flames out.

From: koswix16 Feb 2011 21:53
To: patch 564 of 3934
At least you didn't get a picture of when the cross caught fire too...
From: patch16 Feb 2011 21:57
To: koswix 565 of 3934
I'm keeping that one as insurance.
From: koswix16 Feb 2011 22:01
To: patch 566 of 3934
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)17 Feb 2011 02:55
To: patch 567 of 3934
What are you making now, you madman :'D
From: koswix17 Feb 2011 03:13
To: patch 568 of 3934
There are two right turns in it :|
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Feb 2011 03:26
To: patch 569 of 3934
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)17 Feb 2011 03:59
To: koswix 570 of 3934
From: koswix17 Feb 2011 04:21
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 571 of 3934
From: patch17 Feb 2011 09:07
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 572 of 3934
I don't know. Again.
From: patch17 Feb 2011 09:07
To: koswix 573 of 3934
Is that too many? Maybe there should be a third one? Or maybe a left turn for variety?
From: af (CAER)17 Feb 2011 10:31
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 574 of 3934
That's unpossible! :O
From: JonCooper17 Feb 2011 16:13
To: koswix 575 of 3934
mr kos

could you list a breakdown of server specs and software used please?
I am not about to run off with all your hard won info, but Jake really misses the monsters and I have explained it's not happening on tehmine so he wants me to see if I can make a little one just for us
I have several spare PCs, though the 'best' is maybe a P4 with (max) 2GB RAM

From: koswix17 Feb 2011 16:36
To: JonCooper 576 of 3934

Teh Current Server is:


Core2Quad Q6600 running at 3Ghz.
6GB of RAM, 3GB reserved for the Java server.
Windows 7 ultimate.
The unofficial Hey0 mod that works with the new server version.


I've never managed to get monsters to work reliably on the server, although I've not really tried with just local LAN players. I really don't know if it's inefficient/bad code that slows it down or just raw Bandwidth - there is a /shitload/ of data that is constantly going out to the clients, even moreso with mobs turned on.


There really shouldn't be any need for such a (relatively) high spec machine to run the server, and hopefully it will get better with the next version.


Notch stated somewhere that he was going to change the single player setup so you're actually playing on a local, same machine server. Hopefully this also means that server code will be vastly improved in the process.


No harm in trying out a server locally, go for it and you might be pleasantly surprised if you're playing on a LAN.


EDIT: I also use Backup Plugin (from HMod Wiki pllugins page) and the mapping program is called MC Map, can't remember where that's from though :D

EDITED: 17 Feb 2011 17:21 by KOSWIX
From: koswix17 Feb 2011 17:22
To: patch 577 of 3934

Might have been easier to just start by going in that direction... :D


Anyway, I've stopped for now, Just blew my way into (with TNT :$ ) the underground works by the teapot. Will leave it as is to let you work out where it's going from there.

From: patch17 Feb 2011 18:22
To: koswix 578 of 3934

Underground works? Teapot? How bored were you?


Fantastic, though. I think maybe a train track. Maybe. Or a couple more right turns.